Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Outside is FUN!

Landon officially LOVES playing outside in the snow. Just look at those cheeks :-) He was crying when we made him come in tonight, poor kid. And it's supposed to get colder again for the next week - yuck! He has so much fun, and his clothes must keep him plenty warm because the only complaint he has is snow getting in his mitts! Well, he complains when he does face plants too - but once we wipe the snow off of his face he's right back at it ('it' being whatever sort of shenanigans had him faceplanting in the first place!!).

And here's Arlan, practising STANDING! Yup - John propped him up against the couch last night, and he stood there, for quite awhile I guess ( I was at volleyball). Little stinker! He now sits up to play most of the day - with the Boppy pillow behind him to catch him when he inevitably falls back. We then prop him back up and he plays some more. He does a couple of face plants, but nothing that hurts him, thankfully. Yesterday he sat and watched me vacuum -- fascinated by that noisy machine! He sure was cute though - sitting there, his head going back and forth and back and forth! Heh heh
Anyways, must go read Landon bedtime stories, just wanted to post a couple of pics...

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