Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Are we Ready

Well, not quite yet ... but really we are. If everyone arrived in 5 minutes, it'd all be good I guess. I am hoping to get some salads mixed up tonight, and tomorrow will be a big day of cooking -- ham for dinner, then preps for Xmas day so that hopefully our Xmas isn't too overfilled with cooking :-/

Landon is sort of excited, but since he doesn't really have a great grasp of future time (i.e. tomorrow and next week are the same in his mind), he doesn't really know when things will happen. I think he's sort of 'got it' that Grandma and Grandpa will be coming tomorrow. But he keeps asking for Brian, who won't be here ... hope he's not too disappointed!! LOL

So I should get back to getting ready. Thank goodness Arlan goes to sleep so nice and early - at least I can get some stuff done at night (as long as Wall-E movie is on, we can do WHATEVER !! LOL).

Merry Christmas ! (In case I don't post tomorrow)

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