Monday, December 08, 2008


And lots of it. Snowed lots yesterday, and we're supposed to get more tonight I think.

So I went out to shovel the driveway today, taking Landon with me in his new (to us) jacket and ski pants, brand new boots and mitts, and toque. FINALLY -- Landon had fun in the snow!! YAYAYAY! All last year he didn't like to play outside in the snow ... it's like he didn't 'get' it. But today he played and played ... running and falling, and throwing snow and sliding around. And that was just in the front yard while I shoveled :-) John's going to try to find him a little shovel so he can 'help' me a bit better (today he had his sand shovel out there ..... ). I'm just SO happy he had fun outside, stayed nice and warm, and will want to go out more often.
I did have to laugh. He of course wanted Thomas shoes on, I explained that he needed boots because of all the snow. When we came in, he agreed that the boots were good because his feet were dry and fairly warm. But the mitts. Poor kid - they're a bit big, so he had trouble picking up his shovel, or trying to grab at things (like what I don't know ... it's snow, just stick your hand in and pull it out!!). So he experimented by throwing them off every chance he had. And he'd regret it right away every time ... crying for his mitts to be put back on! So I would put them on, and he'd decide to repeat the experiment ... to the same ends. So maybe next time he'll keep his mitts on longer (and maybe I'll put mitts on that fit a bit better).

I also took Arlan out to the backyard this afternoon while Landon was sleeping. I just walked him around in the sled ... he was like 'meh'. But I really just wanted to get him outside, even for just 15 minutes. I think it helped ... he actually had a third nap!! He most enjoyed watching the very noisy geese flying overhead though. He's so CUTE!

We put up our tree last night ... with lots of 'help' from Landon. He mostly just took ornaments off, or hit the tree :-/ But most things stayed on there. It looks pretty good. We put up a couple of other decorations, but I'm not doing too much because they'll just get destroyed. I told John that in about 4 years we'll get new decorations and make the house really merry :-) heh heh

Landon got his first Xmas gift yesterday -- Brian and Patricia came over for lunch, and brought the boys gifts. Landon is in L-O-V-E. They bought the perfect toy for him - - a Caterpillar dumptruck, that comes apart! There's a little drill, with three drill bits (all work on all screws), and you take the tires off, the box, the cab and the engine. That thing has been apart and put back together (with help still) and apart and .... We've already replaced the batteries in the drill, let's put it that way. Plus it slept with him yesterday afternoon and all night too. Heh heh

Arlan got a shape-sorter, he loves chewing the pieces. And Landon seems to think that's his present too - he's been sorting shapes off and on (when he's not playing with his dumptruck). Goof!

Anyways, I should get going. I play v'ball tonight, and so will have my first drive where I'm wishing I would've been able to find snow tires .............. I'm leaving early and driving slow and praying for no accidents on the Deerfoot....

Until next time (I'll hopefully have some pics of the snow, and Arlan in the sled, and maybe even the tree....)

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