Sunday, December 14, 2008

oh baby it's COLD outside!

Welcome to the deep freeze ... aiaiai We're spending our days indoors, and are even more thankful for the basement to play in!!! We spend time down there every day, I'm hoping Landon gets so used to it that he'll be confident enough to play down there by himself soon. Right now if we go upstairs even for a moment he is running up those stairs with us. Which isn't that bad - running stairs should tire him out, right? Heh heh But I'm enjoying having all of the toys in the basement, that's for sure. And Landon loves having his own play space. His favourites right now are drawing with chalk (thanks again Aunty Yvonne for the easel & chalk), trains (of course) and doing yoga with mommy (he rolled out paper yesterday to play yoga too! LOL). Oh yeah, and running around and around and around....

Landon has also fallen in love with playing outside. We were outside Thursday for over an hour, and he cried when I made him come inside. He was having WAY too much fun to want to come in the house! We shoveled off the deck (John found Landon his very own shovel, just his size, which he loves), and he pulled his sled around the backyard. Then he swung for awhile (yup - we're using that swing, even in the snow!). But the most fun of all was when I'd throw a shovel-full of snow in the air and it would fall down on him - he thought that was the bestest!! We also learned through this game why it is so good to do our jacket right up (snow down the front - or back- of the jacket is COLD!). He also continued his mitten experiment, taking them off about 12 times, only to realize that snow is still cold -- so he'd cry to get them put on. Thankfully I'm getting MUCH better at getting his mitts on him, so they stay on a lot better, and probably feel better too (we are getting lots of practise getting our thumbs in the thumbslots!).

Arlan is a cutie-pie, even if he wakes me up at 6:30 am! Silly kid! But he is cute as a button, with those chubby chubby cheeks and big smiles all of the time. I've been trying to give him some foods other than cereals the past week or so - but he's having none of it. While he showed mild dislike for sweet potatoes, he downright grimaced for the apples. I thought ' what kid doesn't like applesauce?' ... the answer: Arlan. LOL So I'm just going to stick with cereals for a few more weeks and maybe try some other stuff after Christmas. He's still happy with the cereals anyways, only eating between 6 and 10 Tbsp a day (between 2 or 3 feedings), so I'm not feeling that we need to introduce anything else yet anyways. He is, after all, not quite 6 months yet. And while I say that he likes cereals ... he likes cereals mixed with breastmilk -- not formula, not water, just breastmilk. So it looks like I'll be pumping until at least the New Year, which isn't too bad as long as I can keep providing enough milk for his cereal needs.

And we have our tree up, and presents under the tree. I'm wondering how long til Landon rips them open!! LOL Last night I wrapped presents with Landon playing (in the basement, of course!), so he saw what was inside and what was going on. So we put those under the tree. Should he open them, he'll find 'boring' gifts - -the stuff for Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Greg, Grandma and Grandpa -- so maybe he'll be disinclined to open any other gifts. *shrug* We'll see ... it's worth a try. The worst thing he could do is open them all, then I'd have to rewrap ... not exactly the end of the world. His gifts (and Arlan's too, as Landon LOVES Arlan's toys almost as much as his own) will not go under the tree until Christmas Eve ... that's too much temptation (even if we didn't tell them they are for him). Also - should he rip open gifts and find stuff for himself, that he likes, he would want to rip open all gifts, all the time. So we'll just leave them.

I made a 'Christmas calendar' for Landon last night in the basement ... just on a big piece of paper with markers. So that we can 'count down' to Christmas ... see how excited I can really get him ... heh heh.

Oh yeah, and we got Santa pics done on Friday. Arlan was like 'whatever', just sitting on Santa no problem. Landon, however, wanted nothing to do with Santa!! LOL He wanted to open the presents, and pet the penguins, but not sit on Santa's knee. At least last year I got him propped on Santa's knee for the pic. Not this year -- you can see my hands in the picture trying to push Landon away from me!! LOL Poor kid. But he's in there, and he's looking at the camera. And he managed to tell Santa that he wants a garbage truck for Christmas, so maybe Santa will bring him one :-)

That's the news from here .... just staying inside where it's a bit warmer! aiaiai The fireplace AND the furnace are running very frequently in this house ... the north winds come across the prairie behind us and lambast us, so I only feel warm in the sauna these days! Maybe I am a little glad John insisted on that thing ... but don't tell him that!! LOL

Until next time...

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