Thursday, July 19, 2007

Home in Calgary :-)

Ok, I got orders from Grandma to get this thing updated now that we're home again :-) So here it is. Pics are not yet uploaded, so watch for them in the next day or two.

Landon recovered from his throat infection fairly well, once he started his antibiotics on Tuesday evening. This was after he threw up all over Karen and Ken's house (I sooo hope Nathan didn't catch this infection!!), cutting our visit much shorter than originally intended and prompting me to go to a walk-in. I must admit, the walk-in experience was great -- about a 10 minute wait, then saw the doctor immediately for about 5 minutes, and I was outta' there!
So Landon got some good sleep in on Wed afternoon (after being up for 2 hours throwing up overnight ... my first experience with Landon puking in his bed ... poor little bugger!!). But his good nap on Wed aft meant that Pam and I could (finally) get a good visit in ... that was long overdue and I really enjoyed it.

Wed evening we watched my old ball team, Bad Habit, win their game out at Blumberg. Then we went to Cor and Dave's where Landon terrorized the house. Thurs we met Loreen and Liz down at the Forks for lunch (Landon isn't exactly restaurant trained, but he wasn't too bad at the Forks). I stopped by MTS for a few minutes to see everyone - it was short and sweet, although I didn't get a chance to visit very much. Thurs aft was spent with Cor and Liz visiting and relaxing - very nice - while Landon snoozed (good kid!).
Thurs night Alison stopped by Cor's for a nice visit - it was great to see her again!! We went to feed the geese (Landon chased them, and then ate the bread himself!! lol) and went to the park where Landon had tons of fun on the slide.

Friday was spent on Sherry's deck (friend from MTS), which was very nice and relaxing (and hot). Landon was a good kid and napped very well there too, giving us a chance for a really good visit. Then Friday night to Neville and Mary's where we ate pizza (Yum Yum) and watched the football game. It was a nice relaxing evening there too, I am so glad Landon got over his infection so quickly as those last days wouldn't have been nearly as nice.

Sat morn up and off to the farm, Sun back to Calgary as Jenay was here for only a couple of days before flying off on Tuesday morning (so I didn't spend any extra time at the farm). Mom came back with us, which was nice. To have some company on the ride, and some help with Landon. Although I must say that Landon has learned to travel extremely well. We stopped in Wolseley and were 'tourists' on Sat afternoon ... we walked across their swinging bridge, and played in the playground, and at ice cream. And on Sun we stopped in Brooks at their water park (it was 33 degrees or something stupid like that!!). Landon didn't go under the water, but he splashed and stood close enough to get 'misted'. It was fun.

so that's the play-by-play of the trip.

I can hardly believe how much more Landon is playing now. It's like he's grown 3 months in 1! He climbs all over everything, the couches, chairs, everything. He loves light switches, and he can reach a few in our house ... one in the living room, and the three by the front door (he climbs the first 3 stairs). It is fun to watch him now. He rides his cars, he actually plays on the play structures at parks now (climbing them mostly, I still help him down most slides as I'm worried he'll crack his head open on the bottom). He is learning how to manipulate objects by twisting his wrist, so he can 'start' his ride on car, he can open his diaper garbage, etc.

And words. He calls everything with wheels a 'guck', except cars. But trucks, semis, tractors, graders, etc are all 'gucks'. Ducks are still 'gucks' too. Birds are a sort of squeal, as are cats. Baths are 'bahs' , and he LOVES them. He responds when you ask what a puppy says with a breathy 'arf', and he loves dogs more than anything. He had a blast with both Uncle Neville's Zoey and with Pam's Murphy (will have pics to post soon). He imitates many things, but mostly just the intonation than the actual sounds. But he imitates the tones of cock-a-doodle-doo, an owl hooting, etc. And he loves baa-baa-black sheep, he says Baa Baa all day long hoping we'll sing it again!! It is so much fun to play with him now.

So ... this is a long post. I will post more when I get pics up. This is too close to a novella for me!! lol Until next time...TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

Wow you said that was relaxing a lot in that post, that sounds like a ton of work to me. I barely go anywhere. Its a lot of work with 2 little ones.