Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another loooong night...

Landon was up again last night, from 2 - 5 am! *sigh* Poor kid - had a 'croupy' cough and everything. The only saving grace: I simply curl up on the couch with him and turn on treehouse. That keeps him occupied while I doze beside him. He dozes too, I know because he does that falling asleep twitching thing. But he wakes right up again. Finally, when he felt well enough for a rousing game of 'catch me', I put him into bed and went to bed myself. We slept 'til noon, and he's snoozing now, so I anticipate tonight will be late. But hopefully we won't be up all night again :-/
He woke up today in good spirits, minimal cough, and played well. He also ate well, so I'm hoping last night was the worst we'll see (cross your fingers for us!). Unfortunately I had to reschedule his vaccinations (was supposed to get them tonight) for next week, which has royally screwed up our travel plans to Elkwater. I won't be going out there until Thursday (gets shots on Wed). At least we'll still have the weekend out there. I just hope Landon gets to feeling better shortly...I feel so bad for him when he coughs like that - it sounds bloody awful!

So I've had a la-ZEE day today too. But I'm sure I'll make up for it with a late night tonight.
Until next time....TK

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