Monday, September 24, 2007

Well, Not much News I guess...

Here's a picture from last month when Howie and I took Landon to Heritage Park. He wasn't so sure about petting that horse LOL But he did touch the horse's nose slightly, once. Cutie.
Not much news from here. Landon still has a runny nose, but it seems to be bugging him less. I just hope that he figures out how to blow his nose one of these days. Tonight it looked promising - he picked up a kleenex, put it close to his face, blew, then threw the kleenex on the floor. Some snot made it into the kleenex, although most of it just stayed on his face for me to clean up. but it's a start right?!

We had a good weekend. I went to Ricki's on Friday night, and didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning. It felt SO good to get out without Landon!! LOL Saturday I had a headache, but it was very much worthwhile!!

Other than that, we didn't do too much on the weekend. *shrug*

Went to gym and swim today - Landon fell during the gym part and smacked his head really hard on the floor, so he was a suck the rest of the time. But he did enjoy the water a bit - especially sitting on the edge of the pool and letting himself fall in for me to catch him. And he loved going down the slide too.

Tonight Landon went to the park and for the very first time he went down the slide by himself (well, except that one time when Grandpa didn't catch him at the Children's Museum heh heh). He climbed the stairs up, then sat down and went down the slide. BIG BOY! He did it about 20 more times after that too - I think he might've just figured out how the park can be fun, right when it's going to get cold of course!!

So that's the scoop from here. Tomorrow off to the zoo with Ricki, Tasha, Keaton and Parker. Need to get another trip in before the cold weather sets in :-/ Until next time....TK

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