Monday, September 17, 2007

New fun and games...

Yesterday I noticed that Landon is really starting to play with his toys in the manner in which they were intended (versus just chewing on them and throwing them around, or banging them together). Like his shape-sorters. Aunty Liz gave him a truck shape-sorter for Christmas. Now he's enjoyed that truck, driving it around, pushing the sounds to make buttons, and even putting the shapes in (with lots of help from me). But yesterday he was really 'getting' it with the shapes - understanding that the square goes in the side so he has to turn the truck, etc.
We also bought a shape-sorter toy (actually got it through the Pampers Gifts-to-Grow campaign) almost a year ago already. He's played a bit with it, but now he sorts the shapes and last night he figured out how to stack the lego pieces. You should've seen his face. Here's a picture, but it really doesn't do it justice. The moment he sat back and looked at the tower that he built (I held it so it wouldn't fall over, but he built it) ... well his eyes lit up, he had the hugest smile, and he put his arms up "ta-da!". It was soooo cute. Made me proud too :-)
And this morning he figured out the fun of putting the rings on his ring-toy thingy ( I don't know what it's called ... you know, where you stack the 5 rings ... *sigh* *shrug*). So he was doing that for awhile and loving it.
And the fun stage has begun in that he has also realized the sheer joy in pulling every single toy out of his closet that he can. And he knows how to open and close the closet doors himself (no pinched fingers ... yet) so he gets in there whenever he wants to. His room is looking like a cyclone has gone through it, and I'm thinking it will look like that every day for the rest of our lives!! LOL
This morning we had gym + swim again (every Mon til the end of Oct). Today he enjoyed the gym part more, especially the small trampoline where he jumped jumped jumped. The pool he wasn't as interested in, but I think that's because he played himself out in the gym :-) He really clung onto me in the pool. Also, he woke up a bit earlier today (now hold on to your hats -- he woke up at 9:30 am!!), and he felt a bit warm, so I'm thinking he might be getting teeth or getting sick. Last night his cheeks were sooooo red when he went to bed! You can see it in the pic above too, how red his cheeks were. So maybe some new teeth coming (which would explain his waking up in the night a couple of weeks ago - he tends to be fussy a couple of weeks before his teeth come, versus when they're actually coming in.
That's the news - not much really...but that's the news. Will post again soon...until next time! TK

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