Monday, September 10, 2007

Gym and Swim

We had our first 'gym and swim' class today. Landon was okay with the gym part - but it was the swimming that he really enjoyed. Actually, as soon as he saw the pool he was trying to escape from the gym to get to it :-) And once we were in the pool, he didn't really want to just hang out and do the songs and games, he wanted to do his own thing! Poor kid. He enjoyed running around the shallow part, doing some frontal floats (accidentally), and he still loves the river part. Thankfully he tolerated the games and songs too, so that wasn't too bad I guess. He'll likely get more used to it as the weeks go on.

We had a fun visit with Aunty Laura. So fun that Landon didn't want to go to sleep Sat night (of course). We are struggling to get his schedule moved up earlier ... but it's getting a bit better. We have been up at 10 or shortly after the past few days, and we'll move it up to 9:30 shortly. That's where we'll leave it I'm thinking, and when daylight savings kicks in we'll be getting up at 8:30. Maybe, we'll see how this all goes! LOL

Grandma and Grandpa are coming up for a visit this week. Will be here tomorrow -- YAY! We are planning some outings, but it's supposed to rain on Wed, yuck! But hopefully we'll get to either Butterfield Acres or to Heritage Park, and maybe the Telus Center if it's rainy Wed.

So not too much news really I guess. My chair is all pen-free and beautiful again (now that it's dry, there's no hairspray stains either). I'm still enjoying doing my yoga. John starts jamming with his new band tonight (he's been practising LOTS the past few days), and he starts his university class tomorrow night. That's that - will post again after Grandma and Grandpa are here....TK

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