Friday, September 14, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa have left the building...

A nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa - Landon was showing off from the moment they arrived! Monkey! He showed them how he jumps on the couches, does pirouettes in the living room until he falls down dizzy, eats so well with a spoon, runs runs runs when we let him out the back gate, climbs and falls down the shale piles behind the house, does pirouettes with the blanket over his face until he gets dizzy and falls down, climbs stairs, falls down stairs, falls off kitchen chairs on top of his head, and crawls out of his carseat, out of the car, closes the door and then climbs the stairs to the door of the house all by himself. What a big boy

We went to the Telus World of Science on Wed. A lot of the exhibits were closed as they are assembling a new one (and it's lego world or something, so it will take awhile). But we checked out the Childrens Creative Museum and Landon had a BLAST! He ran until he couldn't run anymore in that thing. There were so many things to see and do -- too funny. he even went down the curvy slide by himself (when Grandpa missed him) - he eyes were pretty big and his hair was pretty staticky, but he made it :-)

Yesterday we went to Butterfield Acres which is like a farm you can explore and pet the animals. It wasn't quite a petting zoo, which is maybe what I was expecting, as I was disappointed. Many animals weren't around, you couldn't access others to pet them, and most of the animals you could access weren't particularly open to being petted (the roaming goats and baby piglets being the exceptiong). Landon had the most fun climbing and running down one of the hills, and climbing the stairs for their outdoor stage. I might go back in several years - it would be a good place for a large group of kids (say a birthday party), but I'd much rather go to Jackson's Barnyard (Carla's petting zoo) to see animals.

And then this morning Grandma and Grandpa left. So Landon and I have had a nice quiet day at home thus far. The good news is that Landon has slept right through the night the past 3 nights - thank goodness! I have slept through the nights as well - I'm feeling much better than last week when he kept waking up.

I will have to get some pics up soon - have to upload them first. Will post again soon as well...until next time...TK

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