Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not feeling so well :-(

Landon isn't feeling so well today. He had me up all night long (well, until 2 am, then he woke me up again at 4 when his leg was stuck in the bars of the crib, and then again at 5:30 and 6:15 when he just cried out but didn't really need me). Today he is very stuffed up and his nose is running. So maybe another cold, maybe a molar coming through. We'll see. He's having a good afternoon nap, so that should help his attitude tonight (hopefully). It'll be nice to have dad home tonight, as Monday and Tuesday he's gone in the evenings. I love Landon to bits, but I love to have a bit of time away from him too when dad's home and can help out. Not that that usually happens - Landon is a mama's boy these days, and will usually follow me to wherever I am in the house versus hanging out with John :-/

And my first experience with being impacted by recalls. Well, I guess these bibs aren't exactly recalled, but Toys R Us has voluntarily pulled vinyl bibs from the shelves. And since I purchased 2 of them, I can return them for a full refund - no receipt needed, doesn't matter when they were purchased, nor what shape they're in. That sounds like a recall to me ... call it whatever you want. So I'll be heading to Toys R Us in the next day or so to take these bibs back.

Anyways, Landon just woke up and doesn't sound thrilled about it. I better go and get him. Until next time...TK

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