Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bad dreams?

I am thinking Landon might be having bad dreams at night or something. For the past week or so, he wakes up typically between 2 and 3 am, sometimes only for a few minutes of moaning and groaning, but other nights crying hard and it takes a long time to get him back to sleep. Last night was the worst so far. He woke up crying hysterically at 2 am, poor little bugger, you know that cry when they're sobbing and can't catch their breath? He cried so hard that I was starting to worry maybe there was something medically wrong (long enough that I noted the time so that we would call Healthlink in another 15 minutes if he couldn't settle down). Finally he calmed down, he was soooo sleepy, he went to sleep in my arms almost right away again. But when I put him into bed he was awake within 5 minutes crying again. I tried to put him down 2 more times, with no luck. So I took him downstairs and he watched cartoons until 5 AM!!!!! I was dozing on the couch, but I don't think he went to sleep at all. Then I put him back to bed and he was good until 10:15. He woke up crying (which in itself is very unusual), so I brought him into my bed so he could wake up happier, and we both fell right back to sleep until 11:20! My good gawd! And he was very difficult to wake up at that time too! I guess so though, he did miss a big chunk of sleep overnight.
So he went down for his nap very nicely at 2:20 this afternoon. Hopefully tonight we'll get him to bed at a decent time (last night was a bit late as we had company), and maybe, just maybe, he'll sleep through. I feel so bad for him, waking up like that. I just think it must be nightmares ... the kind where if you don't wake up fully, you just go right back into the nightmare when you fall back to sleep. He seems to need to really wake up before he can settle back in to sleep again.

On the good side -- I got to snuggle with him in bed for an hour this morning. God I love that!! LOL

John's back from camping - it was a great trip. The pictures are incredible. I'll find a couple to post here. It sure is nice to have him home again. And now that his office has moved closer to home, he's able to come home for lunch. So that's a great treat to have him here at lunchtime. Landon was soo happy to see him when he came through the door today!!

Landon's getting to be good when playing outside too. We were in the backyard, and he knows to stay back there, he doesn't even try to run to the street very much. And when he does start that way and I say 'no', he comes right back. We did eventually move to the front as I was picking weeds, and he played very well up front without going onto the street even once. He does want to go and visit the neighbours all the time, but at least he doesn't run onto the street!! He's getting to be such a good, big boy!

Oh yeah, and he says 'hi' now. He'd run by and I'd say hi, he'd say hi, I'd say hi, he'd say hi. Pretty cute :-) That, and 'hot' (which comes out 'dhot')...he learned that with Aunty Rosemary I think (that's the first I'd heard him say it anyways). So more words ... and lots of babbling!! We love it!

Until next time...TK

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