Monday, January 28, 2008

Guess who used his potty tonight :-)

Now - I don't expect this to be the end of diapers or anything, but I am celebrating! Landon wanted his diaper off (which has become a daily request) tonight, saying 'pee pee'. So I made sure he knew where his pot was. He sat on it for a minute and farted, then got up to play some more. I turned my back thinking that was done. When I turned back he was back on the pot, obviously working on something. So I pretended to continue to ignore him. Lo and behold, a few moments later he got up and went back to playing. Leaving a little nugget and a few drops of pee behind. Big Boy! So we made a big production of it all, and the put a diaper back on him so he could continue playing :-)

So maybe these 'games' are paying off. Every day he wants his clothes off, and he pops on and off the potty until I get tired of following him around to make sure he doesn't crap on the carpet and put a diaper back on him. I know this is a long road, but hey, tonight I celebrate :-)

It's bloody cold here, so we are staying in the house these days. Makes for a cabin-fevered kid though :-/ I am thinking we'll go swimming on Wed, we haven't gone since Oct and he loves it so much. I'll see how I fare, but I think I'll sign him up for swim lessons starting in March too. Double-whammy - gets him swimming (and happy) and makes sure I get out and do something too!! For now we'll just have to try to get to the pool once a week or so, to make sure I can move for the last months of pregnancy (oh yeah - my belly's getting BIG already).

That's the news. Bought lots of Thomas track for Landon on ebay, so looking forward to getting that. And tons of clothes too - I can't help it, there is some adorable stuff on there LOL Ah well ... I think I've had my ebay fix for a few months at least.

1 comment:

niknac said...

Give your little man a big hug and a good boy from me. That is so exciting and frustrating they say that potty training is one of the toughest things to do as a parent. LOL Its probably only in the first 3 years though. Good luck keep up the good work Keller's