Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

A week without posting ... aiaiai

But, we're back!!

We spent a week in Toronto with Aunty Liz, Uncle Rob and cousins Thomson (4) and Isabel (2 1/2). It was FUN! Landon had a blast with all of Thomson's trucks and trains, and with Isabel too.
We travelled on Sun the 23, arriving at the airport early. It was needless, we didn't run into any lines at check-in or at security. Which meant lots of time to kill with Landon. He ran and ran and explored everything he could. John and I just tried to keep up! LOL But it worked out well because he ran so much he had a good snooze on the flight.
We had a big warm welcome in Toronto - Thomson and Isabel were at the door clambering to see Landon. Landon wasn't too sure what the fuss was about, but he settled in pretty quickly with Thomson showing him all of his trucks, and cars, and helicopters (pronouned 'hel-co' if you're Landon).
So the 3 kids had a blast playing together for the week. Particularly once Santa arrived and brought such wonderful gifts. The big hits were a piano with a microphone for Isabel, a cash register for Landon, and a huge truck and bull-dozer for Thomson. Oh yeah, and the hotwheels that Thomson got were a big hit for John too ;-) Landon had the most fun playing with Thomson's trains though -a big box full of tracks and Thomas train pieces. Entertained Landon for many good long stretches.... Which is good as he has a couple of presents still to come that contain just such a thing - so when he opens them up he'll be having tons of fun with trains here too!!

We got home Sat night, and just in the nick of time. I was fighting 'something' off while in Toronto, and did a pretty good job of it until Sat. And Friday night I put Landon to bed with a slight fever. He woke up with a full-blown fever Sat morning and we struggled with that all day. On the plane (we flew out at 8 pm) he had a nap and woke up very hot - worrisomely hot. I gave him my only dose of medicine (Motrin) - as you can no longer carry many liquids on the plane, and what you can carry is restricted in size - and we stripped off his shirt and mopped him down with ice water. Poor kid!! But we made it through (thanks to the West Jet in-flight tv service -- we had Treehouse on one set, and a hockey game on the other), and got home safely. That night Landon barely slept, and he and I were fully sick. Sunday was a write-off, but today we are on the recovering end. Now, of course, John's getting sick :-/
What this meant though is that we cancelled our New Years plans with Grandma and Grandpa :-( We've postponed their visit for a couple of weeks. The good part of that is that maybe Uncle Greg, Aunty Yvonne and cousin Kyle will be able to come too!! So we'll see. Landon will just get spoiled again in mid-January :-)

So that's the news from the week. I will post some pics soon - I've just had trouble with Photoshop tonight :-/ There are many ... heh heh And some videos that will go on Landon's website too - so check that out in a few days.

That's all for now - Happy New Year everyone !!!

1 comment:

niknac said...

A whole other week without a post come on mama T. LOL I hope your feeling better. So you can get back to posting some cute pictures of that little man Landon.