Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'd like to post some pics, but something's up with blogger at the moment. Maybe I'll get another chance later today or tomorrow....

Things are going well here. We're ready for Grandma and Grandpa to arrive tomorrow -- Landon is so excited, everytime I mention one of them his eyes light up and he repeats Grama or Grampa for about 15 minutes. And sometimes out of the blue he just starts up with Grampa. So he'll be pretty happy to see them tomorrow I'm sure.

Other than that, not much new. We finally got some snow (about 1/100 of an inch) overnight. I'd like it to snow more so that we can actually get Landon's sled out and take him for a ride! We haven't even dug it out of the basement yet this winter!!

We introduced a potty to Landon last night. We have a small, portable type. Not very comfortable, and we're unlikely to use it much while training, but since he wanted to run around naked we got it out and sat him on it and said "pee pee". He repeated our words, then proceeded to pee on his way up the stairs!! LOL But today he sat on that little pot again and said "pee pee", so maybe, just maybe. I did order a bigger, sturdier potty from Sears last night - it will be here next week. We'll set that up and see what he thinks of that. He has the idea I think, but I'm not sure he recognizes the physical sensations within himself yet. But hey, we'll just see what comes...

That's all for now....TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Potty training let the fun commence. We have about 6 different potty's and potty seats. LOL Taylor doesn't use any of them any more. We got this toilet seat from zellers just a regular seat and in the lid is a potty seat it is awesome. My parents even have one and as for the little potty's we just keep one in the van for emergencies or road trips. Have fun this will be one of the funnest yet most stressful times thus far. And if he will better to train him now before baby comes.