Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yup- that's right. For the first time ever, Landon used the potty all by himself. I wasn't even in the room.
I was upstairs feeding Arlan, thinking 'oh man, Landon's downstairs without a diaper, I'm gonna' have a mess when I get down there'. I get Arlan back to sleep and head downstairs. I asked Landon "did you pee?" He says "no, yes!" (those who recently spent time with Landon can likely hear exactly how he said this, his favourite two word combination!). So I checked out the couch - nothing. Then I look in the potty and [insert angels singing here].

So we gave Landon a Thomas tattoo and phoned Grandma and ran downstairs to tell dad and we are so very proud of him.
Now let's just hope tomorrow brings more of the same....heh heh

Landon has also learned the wonderful word "WHY". So far he's only used it with John, but I'm sure it's coming for me. With me he's more inclined to say "how come?" because that's what I say. He also asks "What's going on here?", and says "oh my bloody gawd!" alot. And "Drive me NUTS!!!" Heh heh Don't know where he gets that from......

Arlan's a cutie-patootie. Bedtimes are still a bit iffy...last night he cried for an HOUR before finally falling asleep. tonight he went to sleep but woke up 45 minutes later for the second half of his bedtime snack. *sigh* I don't mind those nights, I can feed him again if needed, as long as he goes right back to sleep - which he did tonight. Naps can still be touchy for him, but are getting a bit better.
I took Arlan to the doctor today - the sclera (whites) of his eyes are still dark (were darker with the jaundice) so I wanted to know if I should be worried / following up. Doc said 'nope, they're fine'.
He also said we should be staring Arlan on solids! GACK! MY BABY!!! He can't eat solids yet!! But he was very interested in my glass of water today, and when I put it to his mouth he eagerly mouthed at it and even got a splash of water. So maybe soon ... but not quite yet!

Anyways, that's the news here. Good potty news, improving bedtime news, and *sob* my baby's getting big :-) Until next time...

1 comment:

niknac said...

I love how excited you are. Makes me excited for our upcoming potty training I am not even going to bother for some time though I tried with Taylor so early and it seemed to take so long. Anyway I am happy for you and very happy for Landon. It will be big savings for your family once he is out of diapers