Tuesday, November 11, 2008

and the toy battles have begun!

Landon is finally feeling better, although he is still not the energetic little firebomb we're used to. He's pretty quiet most of the day, he'll play for awhile, then hit the couch for awhile. But he hasn't thrown up since Sunday, so my hopes are up that he's beat this bug and is now just getting his energy back. He ate well yesterday, but hasn't eaten well today. His tummy is still a bit sore I'm thinking....But we made a trip out of the house this morning - to the grocery store - with no major calamities (i.e. no puking, no peeing pants, and only a minor melt-down at the check-out when I wouldn't let him have smarties).

And the toy battles have already begun! I thought I'd have a few more months of peace!! LOL Landon has been loving all the toys I've gotten out for Arlan - playing IN the exersaucer, and stacking rings, and loving that ever-lovable giraffe. Well today Arlan was getting him back, by snatching a piece of train track!! LOL He was happily slobbering all over it and Landon was near tears because his poor train track was 'broken'! Thankfully mom was able to come to the rescue, giving Arlan a different piece of track to drool over and fixing Landon's bridge. Poor Landon -- he's going to have some lessons in patience and sharing over the upcoming months (actually, mommy is going to have the lessons in patience, I'm sure!!).

Well Arlan is just as adorable as ever - gotta' love that little stinker!! He was busy oohing and gooing in the grocery store today - I love it! (And with Landon decreased energy levels, grocery shopping wasn't all that bad). I'm just hoping for a dual nap this afternoon as I'm still super-tired (I can understand what Landon's dealing with in recovering from this flu bug). Yesterday I got a nice sleep in ... let's hope it repeats!

1 comment:

niknac said...

I can't believe it ever since I have been reading about this giraffe I have been noticing them everywhere. I have looked through 2 albums of friends and family. One from Sask and her little girl had one and one from here in the Hat and there little guy has one too. WEIRD who would have thunk a giraffe would be such a great toy for so many babies.
As for the toy sharing good luck and let me know if you figure that one cause I am still trying to figure that one our with no luck.