Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our week...

Since we've been home we've been busy in the backyard. Landon is happy to be in the sandbox for the entire day (the tv is barely on anymore, I love it!), and Arlan LOVES to be outside. He enjoys exploring the deck (we're going to have to get something out there for him to play with), but he loves to swing the most. I can just put him in the swing and keep him going with a push every few minutes, and get my yardwork all done! He's happy as a clam. And Landon will even oblige me to push Arlan (sometimes even nicely) every now and again too!

Today we turned sprinklers on to water our grass (which has been fertilized and cut since we came home). Landon only liked the 'little sprinkler', when the big one went on, both he and Arlan were crying! So I had to move the sprinkler around the yard to get everything watered, but it worked :-)
We also bought some plants today - a few annuals (they're pretty picked over), and several perennials ... so now I must create a bed for the hostas in the back, and get the side of the house prepared for the others and for rock too. Hoping to get some rock ordered this week so that we can get that area done finally! No more cutting grass over there!!! Yippee!!!

Anyways, I'd better get me to bed ... I had a busy, and productive, day, and hope to have another tomorrow...Until next time...

Toronto Trip

we had an absolute BLAST in Toronto!! It was SOO much fun - Landon and Arlan were in their glory playing with their cousins! And I really enjoyed a few relaxing days too!!

The flight there was pretty good - I am glad that there was both John & I for that first flight with both boys. It took Arlan quite awhile to give in and go to sleep, but once he did both he and John got a nap in. In fact, Arlan slept right through descent and landing and everything - so sweet! Before he caved and went to sleep we spent a fair bit of time letting him crawl up and down the aisle - much to both his and the other passengers delight! He was making friends everywhere! LOL
Landon was pretty good too - it was a bit boring for him, but he managed well enough. It would be a lot easier if he would enjoy some sedentary activities - like colouring! But we survived it :-) John and I traded off the kids, so neither of us had to deal with one kid the whole trip - and the change was good. From the "follow Arlan around, keep him happy" type of work, to the "answer 1,000,000 questions, or maybe the same question 1,000,000 times" kind of work with Landon!! LOL Ah well...

In Toronto we spent our days playing! Of course. The first thing Landon did when we arrived was head downstairs to play with trains! LOL Plus he LOVED all of Thomson's trucks (LOTS of construction vehicles!). And Landon & Izzy are two peas in a pod, they had so much fun running and squealing. We spent time at the park by Liz & Rob's, plus we went to two different parks to play - one with a Pirate ship, the other with a castle. Landon was in heaven!
Arlan loved the action and Izzy too! Well, Izzy was loving Arlan lots I think as well! When we arrived, Arlan was hungry so we strapped him into his 'high chair' (that attaches to the table) and were going to feed him some yogurt. Well, Izzy beat us to it - feeding Arlan yogurt herself! It was so precious!
One thing that continues to amaze me is just how much Thomson and Landon look alike. John did manage to get a pic of the two of them (Landon was posing for pics by the end of our visit as we were all taking so many!! LOL) - I'll post it when he gets home with the camera. It's crazy - they could be twins, just different ages! aiaiai

Anyways, so John stayed in Toronto to go golfing with his buddies (is there still), while I ventured home with both boys, by myself, on the plane, for 4 hours ... The plane was right packed full too (on the way there, there was an entire row with no one in it, so John and Arlan were all sprawled out napping together -- so cute, I have a pic of that too!). I was lucky enough to be seated by a Grandma who was oh-so-patient with me and the boys. And both boys were pretty well behaved too, which was a blessing. There were a few squawks and grumps, but for the most part we were ok. Arlan did less aisle-cruising, as it becomes much more cumbersome having Landon tag along for that game and he didn't want to stay in his seat by himself (I don't blame him, must've been a pretty big ordeal overall for him, and what if I didn't come back!??). But Landon did stay to play with Betty for awhile when I had to change Arlan (did you know that Landon has NEVER pooped while we've been travelling -- car or plane? He always waits till we get there ... not ARLAN!). And Betty was so kind as to read some stories to Landon and to play trucks with him, giving me a nice break to deal with only Arlan.

The excitement, as it were, actually came after landing. First of all, Arlan slept during the entire descent, and was completely konked out when were to get off the plane. To top that off, Landon fell asleep right after they turned the seat belt sign off at the GATE! So I have two boys fast asleep - which allowed me to get packed up, etc, but put me in a dilemma as to how to get them off the plane. Landon would NOT wake up (his eyes just rolled in his head and he lolled over further in his seat), and although Arlan was awake, I still needed to carry him. In the end, a flight attendant carried Arlan out and put him in his stroller while I carried the still very-sleepy-headed Landon out. *shaking head* He could've pulled that stunt about 2 hours earlier, would've been easier on everyone! LOL
Now Landon is SO TIRED at this point, and I'm hot and tired, and I just want to get our baggage and go. Landon wants to be carried and is pouting, loudly, because I won't carry him. But we get going through the airport and there's lots to see, and things are going pretty good. We get to the escalators to leave the secured area (the place where it says "Keep going. Do not stop, or alarm will sound") ... Landon's been begging to go on every escalator we see. He's pumped - he jumps right on the escalator, I stand beside him with the stroller on the escalator (I know I know, you're not supposed to do that, but I didn't want to spoil his fun). Then ... Landon gets scared and runs back up and off the escalator!! And there I am, still going down, with the stroller so there's no way I can go back up to grab him, no matter how much I wanted the stair-master-type exercise!! And Landon is hysterical at the top, and I'm yelling for him to just get on the escalator. At this point, I'm thinking I'll have to park the stroller at the bottom and run up the stairs to get Landon, setting off all the alarms, and we'll be detained and strip-searched and the whole nine yards ... YUCK! Then, a man, a nice man, comes walking up to the escalator. I call to him "Please, can you grab my son and put him on the escalator?" The poor guy looked around like he thought it was some sort of candid camera joke (or if there were perhaps another way down!! heh heh), but in the end scooped Landon up and brought him down for me. All without that stupid alarm going off (even though I had stopped at the bottom). Phew!
So Landon tells me every day (usually more than once) that he was REALLY scared of the escalator ... and we've a good story to cap off our trip! LOL

Oh yeah - and then of course we get to the luggage carousel, the luggage starts coming around, and Landon has to pee :-/ Figures. So we beetle off to the washroom and come back to just our two bags going around and around ... at least I didn't have to elbow my way up to the carousel!! LOL

So we made it home - and we're all happy to be here. The day we got home (Wed), Arlan ate, slept, ate and went to bed for the night! Landon and I were in bed pretty early too, and we all slept GREAT!

Friday, May 22, 2009

We're almost packed

And ready to go! A big airplane ride tomorrow to Thomson's house! and is Landon excited???? aiaiaiai Whenever you mention it he starts squealing like a school girl! LOL So we'll be up and out of here by 6:30 am (oh my GAWD!), flight at 8 am. It'll be a tough slog in the morning, but it means we'll be in TO by 2 pm (their time, noon ours) to get settled in nicely.

It's been a good week. Landon and Arlan still have a bit of a cough. I have a sore throat. Hope it doesn't get any worse while we travel though! We've really just been hanging out at home.

Landon had swim lessons last night - put the life jacket on for the first time there. He did really well - floating on his back without me holding him, and swimming for the instructor, and dropping like a rock (going all the way under!). He LOVES swim lessons, and he loves the hot tub afterwards even more. Then he usually has to pee and we go home. heh

So I will post again in about a week when we get back. Think healthy thoughts for us and safe travels thoughts and good sleeping while we're in TO thoughts ... Until next time...TK

Monday, May 18, 2009

it WAS a nice weekend

We had such nice weather the past two days - the boys and I spent tons of time outside. But today - snowy ground again!! Hopefully it won't last long ...

Arlan still has his cold a bit - quite a cough that poor little bugger. We can hear him coughing all night long. But he manages to sleep through it. And he's in better spirits these past two days, so hopefully he's feeling better. He slept so much all week - some days only being up for 1.5 or 2 hours at a time. But yesterday and today he's managed to get back to his usual routine. Of course, we'll throw that right out the window next weekend when we travel to Toronto :-/

We think Landon had a night terror last night. Looking back (and having read a bit about them last night), I'm thinking he may have had a couple others over the past weeks. But last night he woke up crying, and was sweating and shaking. I was able to hold him, but that didn't seem to register with him at all. He wouldn't respond to me or anything. Then all of a sudden it stopped (the shaking, the crying) and he just lay his head on my chest and was sound asleep again. He peed his diaper right full, so I changed him and he woke slightly at that, grumped at me, but went right back to sleep. The whole episode (crying, shaking) lasted maybe 2 minutes (thankfully - I read that some last as long as 30 minutes!).
I think he may have had at least one more recently too. At Aunty Yvonne's, he spent about 15 - 20 minutes in bed kicking me and pushing his head against the wall at the top of the bed. He wouldn't stop moving around. I thought he was just trying to get comfortable, and since he was kicking ME I was trying to rouse him to calm him down. It didn't work, he wouldn't respond to me, but just kept on rustling around. Then it stopped and he was back to sleep. I read last night that a night terror doesn't always involve screaming or crying, but can just be restlessness (like that) with the inability to be aroused.
Night terrors are typically caused by kids being overtired, especially if they have an abnormal sleep schedule. Well, Landon's been dropping his nap sporadically over the previous weeks, so his schedule is sporadic -- some days in bed sleeping at 8:30, others not asleep until 11 (when he's napped). Plus yesterday he was outside most of the day, didn't nap, so was likely very tired (or even overtired) when he went to bed. So we'll be watching him, and I sure hope this doesn't continue long. Of course, he has no recollection, and they say night terrors are not harmful to kids. But it's hard on a mom to have her 'baby' crying so hard and be inconsolable!!!

Other than that ... I'm off to buy curtains for the boys' rooms today (hopefully). We got new blinds for Arlan, but they don't block enough light so of course he's wide awake in the morning (at say, 6!). Maybe some curtains will help him sleep a bit longer? Maybe. He was pretty cute this morning, even if it was so early. He just played in his crib, babbling away "da-da! da-da!" Definitely says "da-da", but mama isn't quite so clear yet :-/ That's ok, Landon's got it down pat! urgh...

That's that. I will be negotiating snowy streets (crazy hey!), but I'm sure it'll be fine. Until next time...

Friday, May 15, 2009

A new Tooth!

Arlan got another new tooth today - on the bottom, to the left of his front teeth. I was starting to wonder when he'd get another one, it's been about 6 weeks.
And just like last time he got teeth, he's sick again :-( Poor kid. Runny nose, and today he has a bit of a cough too :-( He's back down for a nap already, after being up only 1.5 hours!! So hopefully he'll do a third nap today, or we'll be in for it. I feel so bad for him though, he's so miserable. And he has big black circles under his eyes - poor kid! So we'll let him sleep lots and hope that helps.

It's a nice(r) day out today, we're actually able to be in the yard. A rainshower just moved through, so everything's nice and clean and smells wonderful. The weekend's supposed to be great, so I'm looking forward to some yardwork -- and to having Landon play outside ALL day long!

I've found that Landon's naps are becoming the exception rather than the rule. He napped Monday on the way home, and yesterday, but not Tues or Wed. Likely won't today either. It's tough, because he really can't last until bedtime without that nap - so the end of our days are pretty grumpy on non-nap days (especially the second non-nap day in a row!). And he usually doesn't sleep as well on those nights either, as he's overtired. But when he naps, especially several days in a row, then he's up so bloody late! It's a catch-22. But I guess it won't last forever, and then I'll REALLY be missing the naps!

We went to Landon's first swimming lesson in over a year last night. He loved it!! It's a transitional lesson - meaning I'm in the water with him, but he does things with the teacher instead of me, and by the end of the classes, I shouldn't have to be in the water with him at all. He was very hesitant to go to the instructor, but we always made him, and he enjoyed everything she did with him. For an example, she'd just swish him back and forth in the water a couple of times, and spin around, then give him back. So it wasn't like he was with her for long. But he always enjoyed what she did, so hopefully he'll learn to trust her. He had such a blast though, especially jumping into the water! I'm hoping to take both boys next week (maybe Tues) and then Landon has Thursday lesson. I'll have to figure something out for the week that John's gone ... might have to have a sitter for an hour :-/ I hate for Landon to miss any more lessons, we already missed last week, and he loved it so much last night.

Anyways, that's the news from here for now ... hoping Arlan doesn't get any sicker (I hate coughs, they always worry me so much!), and I sure hope he can sleep at night! It'll be a gorgeous weekend, so we'll be sure to take him outside lots, that should help. Until next time...

Home Again, Home Again

Well, our visit with Uncle Greg and Aunty Yvonne was good ... Kyle was there too, and Grandma & Grandpa came up for supper (with KFC). We went to Kyle to see the 'new' house, and then hung out at the farm. Kyle got to take Landon out to show him the baby kitties, and the yard and whatnot. Arlan just hung out.
We had a bit of fun when going to bed though...Arlan had woken up just when I was going to put Landon to bed. He was ok, just hanging out in bed, until I went in the room to get Landon's stuff. Then he started howling -- wanting attention. Well, he quieted down a bit, I read Landon stories in the living room and went to take him to bed. We're all sleeping in the same room. Arlan starts howling as soon as we go in there - but Landon and I tried just laying quietly in bed. Landon was such a trooper - he hates Arlan's crying, but he just snuggled in with the blankets over his head. But Arlan was having none of it -- he just stood in that playpen yelling at us!! LOL I can chuckle now, it was frustrating then.
So I ended up taking Landon into Aunty Yvonne's bed, where he promptly went to sleep. Arlan kept up the crying for another half an hour or so ... cry for a few minutes, quiet, then cry, then quiet. Poor gaffer :-( Eventually he got himself back to sleep, and he wasn't disturbed at all when Landon and I came to bed in there later on. Landon didn't even come close to waking up when I moved him from Aunty's bed to ours ... he's finally at that stage that I've been wondering if he'd ever get to -- when he's out, he's OUT!
So the rest of the night was fine. Arlan was up at 6 am (like he was every morning we were back in SK). We got packed up and hit the road by 9 - it was a bit of a gongshow getting packed up, but with Aunty Yvonne's help we did it. The trip back was quite good - Arlan slept or dozed most of the way. Landon had a snoozers too, so I actually had about an hour of peace - it was glorious!! We stopped in Med Hat and had lunch at the Perkins ... both boys were relatively well-behaved in there, but we didn't stick around long. So we were home by 4 pm, and glad of it.

That night, all 3 of us slept like the dead -- even Arlan slept in until 9 am!!! He must've been tired, as was Landon and mommy too.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good Visits so far...

We are having a blast back in Saskatchewan! We got to Grandma and Grandpa's on Tuesday night, and spent a few days helping Grandpa seed and Grandma helping Grandpa seed. Landon went for several truck rides, moving augers, loading peas and fertilizer, hauling water ... you name it. Arlan went for a few truck rides too, and really wondered what the heck all that action was!! LOL
what really impressed mom was how well both boys slept (of course!!). Landon and Mommy get to snuggle all night long, and Arlan adjusted so very well it's dreamy.
Saturday we came up to Swift Current (which is where we are now). We spent the day at Carla and Dave's, after having had a visit with Aunt Edith and Ivan. Landon's been playing with trucks trucks trucks since we got here, not really caring about the other kids much. I didn't realize how 'truck deprived' he was at the farm!! LOL Arlan loved checking out the animals this morning, really loving Lulu kitty (I would have to say his first official word was "Kitty!" this morning -- it's really the first time he's said something discernible in response to something specific). He also loves the ducks, and the chickens, and the llamas and donkeys and horses and ....etc etc

This afternoon we're going to Great Grandpa's for lunch, then to Great Grandma's grave for mother's day (and her birthday was yesterday too). Then out to Kyle for the day with Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Greg, and Kyle. Grandma and Grandpa are going to Kyle too. Should be fun!

Then tomorrow morning, we're headed home again. I don't look forward to the drive, but I think Arlan will do better on the way home for some reason. Maybe because he's spent that much more time in the car this past week. We'll see. I am looking forward to getting home again though, back to Landon in his own bed without kicking me all over the bed!! LOL

I will post again when I get home. I haven't taken many pictures this week, so don't know if I'll have any to post. But I'll post to tell the experiences of Kyle and the trip home :-)

Happy Mother's Day!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Landon Landon, he's our MAN!

Landon sure enjoys taking pictures of himself, and he's getting a bit better at it. At least not every picture is of his nostrils...

While Landon doesn't usually like me taking his picture, the exception is when he feels I'm taking too many pictures of Arlan. Then he gets right in there, usually acting goofy!

Landon does not like anything to alter his image of himself. If he would've looked in the mirror with this mohawk, he would've flattened his hair down immediately, with a scowl on his face. But since he couldn't see himself in the mirror, we took advantage of the moment to get a pic of the classic 'bathtub mohawk'. yes, it was John who created this hair-masterpiece.

I thought Landon looked a lot like Batman's "Joker" after he 'drank' some blueberries out of a cup!! LOL Too funny :-)

Fun times...

Arlan absolutely LOVES to dig through the plastics drawer ... in fact, whenever he's pestering me while I'm trying to make a meal, I just open that drawer for him and all's good :-) He looks so cute here, with those little legs sticking out!

One of the only things that will distract Arlan from that plastics drawer is ...the camera. Here he is, coming to get it.

Arlan is learning to 'cruise' along the furniture. He's actually getting quite good at walking along the couch these days. Then Landon will come along, pick him up, carry back to the other end, and put him down again. I'm going to have fun with these two, I can see that!

Landon was trying to put some sunglasses on Arlan, who pretty much couldn't have cared less! LOL
And as you can see in the background, lego are one of Landon's absolute favourite things these days. We build many, many towns (and towers, and tracks, and rooms, and ......). Mom & dad are getting much better at not stepping on lego too - that's a lesson you don't want to take a long time to learn!!

For the first time in almost a year...

Landon got to go swimming today! He asks me about 3 or 4 times a week I think, and I just keep putting him off. But not today - we got ourselves ready to go and we went :-) And it was SO worth it!!
I guess I am used to dealing with Landon in the change room at Arlan's age, so I've really been avoiding this whole ordeal. But, you know, they're two different kids!! Arlan was quite patient in the change room - I used the playpen there to keep him contained while Landon and I got changed. The only time he was impatient was when I was actually changing him. But other than that, not a squawk!
And Landon is SO much easier now. We got him dressed, and he waited patiently for me to get Arlan ready. When we were done swimming, he showered while I got Arlan and myself changed, then peed in the toilet like a big boy (there was no way he was going to pee in the shower!), and we got him dressed to go. Of course, Landon was not anywhere NEAR ready to go (we swam for 1/2 an hour), but we got him convinced without too much trouble.

So it was quite successful. We stayed in the tot pool (it's only 9" deep or something like that). Landon had fun splashing around and jumping off the stairs and stuff. He did ask to go in the big pool - but I'm not up to that yet. I think once we get Landon into swim lessons again, where he's wearing a PFD, I might be brave enough to handle it, but not my first time!! lol

Arlan really was not sure of the situation for about 10 minutes. He screwed up his face to cry a few times, but I just held him close. I didn't get him in the water at all for about 10 minutes, and then only on the edge for 5 minutes or so. But by the end he was crawling all over the tot-pool, climbing up the stairs and trying to escape to explore some more!! Very cute.

So I am so happy to have that first experience with both boys in the water ... and am SO happy that it went smoothly. I think we may have to try swimming once a week or so. Landon will have weekly lessons starting next week, but maybe we'll go once a week the three of us too. Depends on how much more Landon wants to be in the big pool then :-)

That's the news here ... until next time...