Friday, May 22, 2009

We're almost packed

And ready to go! A big airplane ride tomorrow to Thomson's house! and is Landon excited???? aiaiaiai Whenever you mention it he starts squealing like a school girl! LOL So we'll be up and out of here by 6:30 am (oh my GAWD!), flight at 8 am. It'll be a tough slog in the morning, but it means we'll be in TO by 2 pm (their time, noon ours) to get settled in nicely.

It's been a good week. Landon and Arlan still have a bit of a cough. I have a sore throat. Hope it doesn't get any worse while we travel though! We've really just been hanging out at home.

Landon had swim lessons last night - put the life jacket on for the first time there. He did really well - floating on his back without me holding him, and swimming for the instructor, and dropping like a rock (going all the way under!). He LOVES swim lessons, and he loves the hot tub afterwards even more. Then he usually has to pee and we go home. heh

So I will post again in about a week when we get back. Think healthy thoughts for us and safe travels thoughts and good sleeping while we're in TO thoughts ... Until next time...TK

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