Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our week...

Since we've been home we've been busy in the backyard. Landon is happy to be in the sandbox for the entire day (the tv is barely on anymore, I love it!), and Arlan LOVES to be outside. He enjoys exploring the deck (we're going to have to get something out there for him to play with), but he loves to swing the most. I can just put him in the swing and keep him going with a push every few minutes, and get my yardwork all done! He's happy as a clam. And Landon will even oblige me to push Arlan (sometimes even nicely) every now and again too!

Today we turned sprinklers on to water our grass (which has been fertilized and cut since we came home). Landon only liked the 'little sprinkler', when the big one went on, both he and Arlan were crying! So I had to move the sprinkler around the yard to get everything watered, but it worked :-)
We also bought some plants today - a few annuals (they're pretty picked over), and several perennials ... so now I must create a bed for the hostas in the back, and get the side of the house prepared for the others and for rock too. Hoping to get some rock ordered this week so that we can get that area done finally! No more cutting grass over there!!! Yippee!!!

Anyways, I'd better get me to bed ... I had a busy, and productive, day, and hope to have another tomorrow...Until next time...

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