Friday, May 01, 2009

For the first time in almost a year...

Landon got to go swimming today! He asks me about 3 or 4 times a week I think, and I just keep putting him off. But not today - we got ourselves ready to go and we went :-) And it was SO worth it!!
I guess I am used to dealing with Landon in the change room at Arlan's age, so I've really been avoiding this whole ordeal. But, you know, they're two different kids!! Arlan was quite patient in the change room - I used the playpen there to keep him contained while Landon and I got changed. The only time he was impatient was when I was actually changing him. But other than that, not a squawk!
And Landon is SO much easier now. We got him dressed, and he waited patiently for me to get Arlan ready. When we were done swimming, he showered while I got Arlan and myself changed, then peed in the toilet like a big boy (there was no way he was going to pee in the shower!), and we got him dressed to go. Of course, Landon was not anywhere NEAR ready to go (we swam for 1/2 an hour), but we got him convinced without too much trouble.

So it was quite successful. We stayed in the tot pool (it's only 9" deep or something like that). Landon had fun splashing around and jumping off the stairs and stuff. He did ask to go in the big pool - but I'm not up to that yet. I think once we get Landon into swim lessons again, where he's wearing a PFD, I might be brave enough to handle it, but not my first time!! lol

Arlan really was not sure of the situation for about 10 minutes. He screwed up his face to cry a few times, but I just held him close. I didn't get him in the water at all for about 10 minutes, and then only on the edge for 5 minutes or so. But by the end he was crawling all over the tot-pool, climbing up the stairs and trying to escape to explore some more!! Very cute.

So I am so happy to have that first experience with both boys in the water ... and am SO happy that it went smoothly. I think we may have to try swimming once a week or so. Landon will have weekly lessons starting next week, but maybe we'll go once a week the three of us too. Depends on how much more Landon wants to be in the big pool then :-)

That's the news here ... until next time...

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