Friday, May 15, 2009

A new Tooth!

Arlan got another new tooth today - on the bottom, to the left of his front teeth. I was starting to wonder when he'd get another one, it's been about 6 weeks.
And just like last time he got teeth, he's sick again :-( Poor kid. Runny nose, and today he has a bit of a cough too :-( He's back down for a nap already, after being up only 1.5 hours!! So hopefully he'll do a third nap today, or we'll be in for it. I feel so bad for him though, he's so miserable. And he has big black circles under his eyes - poor kid! So we'll let him sleep lots and hope that helps.

It's a nice(r) day out today, we're actually able to be in the yard. A rainshower just moved through, so everything's nice and clean and smells wonderful. The weekend's supposed to be great, so I'm looking forward to some yardwork -- and to having Landon play outside ALL day long!

I've found that Landon's naps are becoming the exception rather than the rule. He napped Monday on the way home, and yesterday, but not Tues or Wed. Likely won't today either. It's tough, because he really can't last until bedtime without that nap - so the end of our days are pretty grumpy on non-nap days (especially the second non-nap day in a row!). And he usually doesn't sleep as well on those nights either, as he's overtired. But when he naps, especially several days in a row, then he's up so bloody late! It's a catch-22. But I guess it won't last forever, and then I'll REALLY be missing the naps!

We went to Landon's first swimming lesson in over a year last night. He loved it!! It's a transitional lesson - meaning I'm in the water with him, but he does things with the teacher instead of me, and by the end of the classes, I shouldn't have to be in the water with him at all. He was very hesitant to go to the instructor, but we always made him, and he enjoyed everything she did with him. For an example, she'd just swish him back and forth in the water a couple of times, and spin around, then give him back. So it wasn't like he was with her for long. But he always enjoyed what she did, so hopefully he'll learn to trust her. He had such a blast though, especially jumping into the water! I'm hoping to take both boys next week (maybe Tues) and then Landon has Thursday lesson. I'll have to figure something out for the week that John's gone ... might have to have a sitter for an hour :-/ I hate for Landon to miss any more lessons, we already missed last week, and he loved it so much last night.

Anyways, that's the news from here for now ... hoping Arlan doesn't get any sicker (I hate coughs, they always worry me so much!), and I sure hope he can sleep at night! It'll be a gorgeous weekend, so we'll be sure to take him outside lots, that should help. Until next time...

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