Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good Visits so far...

We are having a blast back in Saskatchewan! We got to Grandma and Grandpa's on Tuesday night, and spent a few days helping Grandpa seed and Grandma helping Grandpa seed. Landon went for several truck rides, moving augers, loading peas and fertilizer, hauling water ... you name it. Arlan went for a few truck rides too, and really wondered what the heck all that action was!! LOL
what really impressed mom was how well both boys slept (of course!!). Landon and Mommy get to snuggle all night long, and Arlan adjusted so very well it's dreamy.
Saturday we came up to Swift Current (which is where we are now). We spent the day at Carla and Dave's, after having had a visit with Aunt Edith and Ivan. Landon's been playing with trucks trucks trucks since we got here, not really caring about the other kids much. I didn't realize how 'truck deprived' he was at the farm!! LOL Arlan loved checking out the animals this morning, really loving Lulu kitty (I would have to say his first official word was "Kitty!" this morning -- it's really the first time he's said something discernible in response to something specific). He also loves the ducks, and the chickens, and the llamas and donkeys and horses and ....etc etc

This afternoon we're going to Great Grandpa's for lunch, then to Great Grandma's grave for mother's day (and her birthday was yesterday too). Then out to Kyle for the day with Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Greg, and Kyle. Grandma and Grandpa are going to Kyle too. Should be fun!

Then tomorrow morning, we're headed home again. I don't look forward to the drive, but I think Arlan will do better on the way home for some reason. Maybe because he's spent that much more time in the car this past week. We'll see. I am looking forward to getting home again though, back to Landon in his own bed without kicking me all over the bed!! LOL

I will post again when I get home. I haven't taken many pictures this week, so don't know if I'll have any to post. But I'll post to tell the experiences of Kyle and the trip home :-)

Happy Mother's Day!!

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