Monday, May 18, 2009

it WAS a nice weekend

We had such nice weather the past two days - the boys and I spent tons of time outside. But today - snowy ground again!! Hopefully it won't last long ...

Arlan still has his cold a bit - quite a cough that poor little bugger. We can hear him coughing all night long. But he manages to sleep through it. And he's in better spirits these past two days, so hopefully he's feeling better. He slept so much all week - some days only being up for 1.5 or 2 hours at a time. But yesterday and today he's managed to get back to his usual routine. Of course, we'll throw that right out the window next weekend when we travel to Toronto :-/

We think Landon had a night terror last night. Looking back (and having read a bit about them last night), I'm thinking he may have had a couple others over the past weeks. But last night he woke up crying, and was sweating and shaking. I was able to hold him, but that didn't seem to register with him at all. He wouldn't respond to me or anything. Then all of a sudden it stopped (the shaking, the crying) and he just lay his head on my chest and was sound asleep again. He peed his diaper right full, so I changed him and he woke slightly at that, grumped at me, but went right back to sleep. The whole episode (crying, shaking) lasted maybe 2 minutes (thankfully - I read that some last as long as 30 minutes!).
I think he may have had at least one more recently too. At Aunty Yvonne's, he spent about 15 - 20 minutes in bed kicking me and pushing his head against the wall at the top of the bed. He wouldn't stop moving around. I thought he was just trying to get comfortable, and since he was kicking ME I was trying to rouse him to calm him down. It didn't work, he wouldn't respond to me, but just kept on rustling around. Then it stopped and he was back to sleep. I read last night that a night terror doesn't always involve screaming or crying, but can just be restlessness (like that) with the inability to be aroused.
Night terrors are typically caused by kids being overtired, especially if they have an abnormal sleep schedule. Well, Landon's been dropping his nap sporadically over the previous weeks, so his schedule is sporadic -- some days in bed sleeping at 8:30, others not asleep until 11 (when he's napped). Plus yesterday he was outside most of the day, didn't nap, so was likely very tired (or even overtired) when he went to bed. So we'll be watching him, and I sure hope this doesn't continue long. Of course, he has no recollection, and they say night terrors are not harmful to kids. But it's hard on a mom to have her 'baby' crying so hard and be inconsolable!!!

Other than that ... I'm off to buy curtains for the boys' rooms today (hopefully). We got new blinds for Arlan, but they don't block enough light so of course he's wide awake in the morning (at say, 6!). Maybe some curtains will help him sleep a bit longer? Maybe. He was pretty cute this morning, even if it was so early. He just played in his crib, babbling away "da-da! da-da!" Definitely says "da-da", but mama isn't quite so clear yet :-/ That's ok, Landon's got it down pat! urgh...

That's that. I will be negotiating snowy streets (crazy hey!), but I'm sure it'll be fine. Until next time...

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