Friday, May 15, 2009

Home Again, Home Again

Well, our visit with Uncle Greg and Aunty Yvonne was good ... Kyle was there too, and Grandma & Grandpa came up for supper (with KFC). We went to Kyle to see the 'new' house, and then hung out at the farm. Kyle got to take Landon out to show him the baby kitties, and the yard and whatnot. Arlan just hung out.
We had a bit of fun when going to bed though...Arlan had woken up just when I was going to put Landon to bed. He was ok, just hanging out in bed, until I went in the room to get Landon's stuff. Then he started howling -- wanting attention. Well, he quieted down a bit, I read Landon stories in the living room and went to take him to bed. We're all sleeping in the same room. Arlan starts howling as soon as we go in there - but Landon and I tried just laying quietly in bed. Landon was such a trooper - he hates Arlan's crying, but he just snuggled in with the blankets over his head. But Arlan was having none of it -- he just stood in that playpen yelling at us!! LOL I can chuckle now, it was frustrating then.
So I ended up taking Landon into Aunty Yvonne's bed, where he promptly went to sleep. Arlan kept up the crying for another half an hour or so ... cry for a few minutes, quiet, then cry, then quiet. Poor gaffer :-( Eventually he got himself back to sleep, and he wasn't disturbed at all when Landon and I came to bed in there later on. Landon didn't even come close to waking up when I moved him from Aunty's bed to ours ... he's finally at that stage that I've been wondering if he'd ever get to -- when he's out, he's OUT!
So the rest of the night was fine. Arlan was up at 6 am (like he was every morning we were back in SK). We got packed up and hit the road by 9 - it was a bit of a gongshow getting packed up, but with Aunty Yvonne's help we did it. The trip back was quite good - Arlan slept or dozed most of the way. Landon had a snoozers too, so I actually had about an hour of peace - it was glorious!! We stopped in Med Hat and had lunch at the Perkins ... both boys were relatively well-behaved in there, but we didn't stick around long. So we were home by 4 pm, and glad of it.

That night, all 3 of us slept like the dead -- even Arlan slept in until 9 am!!! He must've been tired, as was Landon and mommy too.

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