Thursday, April 30, 2009

Harder! Louder! Faster!

Landon's favourite refrains are to do whatever you just did "HARDER!" or "LOUDER!" or "FASTER!" Especially faster!! Everything from singing Row Row Row your Boat, to swinging, to chasing. It doesn't matter, it needs to be MORE!

Landon didn't wake me up in the night last night to pee. He wore a diaper to bed last night, maybe that was why (in his mind you can pee in a diaper, but not a pull-up?). I don't really care, I'm just glad my sleep wasn't interrupted :-)

And I gave Landon a truck as a reward for pooping on the toilet yesterday. I might've created a monster. He kept asking for another 'special' (I told him it was a special present, for pooping on the toilet). When I told him he would get one tomorrow (now today) when he pooped on the toilet again, I thought he would give himself hemorrhoids trying to poop again!! Poor kid LOL We were reading stories and everything, but all he could do was fart :-/ Reminds me of that saying you'd come across in bathrooms: Here I sit, Brokenhearted; Came to shit, but only farted. It might've been a disappointed 3-year-old wanting another 'special' who coined that little rhyme for the bathroom stall!! LOL

Another baby item out the door - the Jumperoo went this afternoon. Holy moly - we're cleaning stuff out and I like it! Just the bouncy chair & Bjorn left (that I've advertised), and the exersaucer will be advertised shortly too. I'll have to go on a shopping spree to fill the house up again ;-)

until next time..

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