Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleeping ... with some crying too

Well, on Friday night we decided that we aren't going in to lay Arlan down at night time when he wakes up crying. It's become a habit with him, he wakes up, then practises standing up and cries for us to come lay him down again. Thursday night, after the umpteeth time going in there, I thought maybe he's actually hungry, and made him a bottle to see exactly how hungry. Well, he wasn't hungry at all!! So Friday night - cry if you need to, but you have to get yourself down and back to sleep.
It started Friday morning with his nap - he stood up, I let him figure out how to get down and go to sleep. It took about 20 minutes of really, REALLY mad howling, but he made it. Then the afternoon nap was fine. And guess what! Friday night ... he slept right through without a peep!! RIGHT THROUGH! Man that feels good!!

Saturday night he woke about 4:30 am (I should mention that the plan was/is to not respond until after 4 am, if he cries after 4 I go in and feed him). He ate and went back to sleep, oh such a good baby :-)

Then last night (Sunday) he woke up at 2:15 or so, and we left him to it. He cried, so MAD, but after about 15 minutes he was quiet. A few minutes later he cried again, but for a very short time. Then he slept through until 6:45 (when we got up for the day).

So we had 2 really good nights, some howling last night, but still a happy camper today. So we'll see what tonight brings as well ... It's SO hard to leave him in there, but when all he wants is to be laid down again, well, that's just TOO exhausting for this mama!! Wish us luck ... maybe he'll even give up that 4 or 5 am feed for good soon :-)

On another note - Landon continues to pee in the toilet. No poops yet, but consistent pees, without us needing to help him. He just gets up and does it, then comes to 'brag' about it. BIG BOY!

And a big Happy Birthday to Grandma today :-) Hope your day was wonderful...enjoy being 39!! Hey, how can you be only 5 years older than me, your youngest?????

Until next time...

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