Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Landon's First Dentist visit

Landon went to the dentist for the very first time today. the appt was originally 3 weeks ago, but that was when we all had a cold so I moved it back. He did SO WELL!! We'd been preparing him for quite awhile, telling him he'd have to open his mouth wide for the dentist to look inside. I was so proud!! The dentist counted his teeth (he has TWENTY, don't you know!), and told Landon he has no 'bugs' in there. That's what I use with him when brushing his teeth ... I tell him I'm checking for bugs, so that he doesn't get silver bugs like mom has (those silver fillings are good for something after all). He was a bit shy, but powered right through it. We were well prepared though - he sat on my knee, we had a couple of trucks and puppy blanket to help us feel secure. And of course, a little bribery didn't hurt ... he got a 'treat' afterward, a Froster (we didn't tell the dentist that that was the reward mommy promised!! LOL).

And mostly I was so impressed with Landon's patience! We arrived a few minutes early, Landon was all excited to meet the Dentist. They called us in on time. And there we were, in the frickin' dentist chair, for 25 MINUTES! I mean, seriously!! With a 3-year-old?? What were they thinking!!?? I was NOT impressed at about the 20 minute mark, and to say that Landon was not so patient at that time would be an understatement. Much longer and I would've just walked out. But I was able to show him a fancy light, and he turned the dentist light on and off and few times, and well, just looked at pictures, and tried to find something blue, etc etc. When the dentist came in I did tell him that I'd much rather be waiting in the waiting room with a kid than in the chair - he was like 'I'll take that into consideration' ... you know, the PFO!! LOL ah well, at least I felt better for saying something ;-)

Other than that, it's finally warming up - Landon was playing outside this afternoon. After a half hour or so he came in because he was getting cold, but at least he could get out there. And Arlan was out for a few minutes too, enjoying his swing! They are both such outside kids - I think we will spend most of our summer in the backyard!

That's about it. Until next time...

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