Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fun in the Park

Arlan thoroughly enjoyed his first real play time in the park. He went to the park several times last year, but was usually snoozing in the stroller :-) So today he go to PLAY! At first, he was quite content to watch Landon and check out the Grandpa that mom was visiting with ... so he sat on the bench with mom. But after a short while he wanted to get down and see what all the fuss was about. It was a very fun game to try to put rocks in our mouths and then laugh laugh laugh when mom batted them away and said "no". He laughed so hard ... would put his hand almost to his mouth and wait there for me to bat the rocks away. Too funny. Arlan also LOVED his first big swing ride. It took awhile though ... it seemed as though as soon as Landon got on the other swing Arlan realized it was all good and started giggling and laughing. Then Landon was swinging his legs back and forth, laughing that his swing was 'wiggly' ... so Arlan had to swing his legs back and forth while laughing even harder. Too CUTE! I loved it and am SO looking forward to many more trips to the park. Not to mention getting Arlan's little swing seat hooked up in the backyard ... that'll be great too!

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