Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a nice weekend - hung out at home and it was GREAT!
I bought Arlan a new carseat (thank you Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary) on Saturday. Now he fits :-) Of course, on the ride home from buying the seat, he fell asleep -- so he had his last nap in the bucket car seat :-( Another sad time for mom as I realize he's growing SO fast!!!!! But I took the opportunity to clean the car out - vacuumed, windows, the whole shebang and it looks great (until the very next car trip with the kids I'm sure!!). Ah well.....

Today I actually managed to go outside for a run, yup, I said RUN! It wasn't all running, but I did about a mile of running, a mile of walking, so that's ok for a start. I'm hoping to get back into it (after a 5 year hiatus!), and maybe even do a 10K this fall. We'll see....but I do need to do something to get back into shape, and I don't seem to find the time to get to the gym, so maybe this will be it.

Landon really enjoyed his Easter Egg hunt this morning. It took him awhile to catch on to the 'hunting' part, if in fact he ever really did. He basically went about his day and then you'd hear "An EGG!!!". I had some chocolates, graham crackers, and play-doh in the eggs, so he was excited to open them (and REALLY excited when it was chocolate inside!!). He also enjoyed his Easter present from the Easter bunny (a chocolate egg, of course, and the Thomas & Friends V-Tech game). We've played a bit of his new game today, he's liking his V-tech more and more.

We have also been taking several walks because it's so nice out. I love spring!! Arlan is enjoying facing forward in the stroller, although he won't go to sleep in there anymore. Maybe if we went for longer walks, but he hasn't thus far. It won't surprise me if he doesn't nap in the stroller anymore, and who can blame him - there's just so much to see!

Arlan is a piggy-pig these days...we can hardly fill him up. It seems like all he does is eat and sleep - I'm thinking growth spurt??!! We've introduced an additional bowl of cereal before bathtime (before bed), plus he eats constantly all day. This morning I think he ate breakfast for an hour ... we just kept giving him Cheerios and bananas. He eats a SLICE of bread at each meal, plus all the usual stuff. aiaiaiai But he hasn't been nursing quite as much. He really likes that bottle --> who could blame him, the milk squirts right out of there as fast as he can drink it with no effort on his part; he's so different from Landon who loved to nurse just to nurse, Arlan just wants to EAT, NOW! But I'll keep chugging away at it.

Arlan has been waking at night a bit more ... since this cold. But last night I just laid him back down with the soother instead of feeding him (I had to do this twice, I think, can't really remember if it was once or twice), then he woke at 7 for the day. So that's not too bad. Now if he could just learn to get down when he stands up in the crib, I wouldn't have to go in there at all!! LOL Poor kid - I get in there and he's hanging on for dear life, wailing away ... "MOM, I need HELP!" lol I lay him down and plug that soother in and he's out immediately. Ah well, someday I'll sleep all night long again, I'm sure of it.

Landon has been giving us many challenges too. He doesn't like to nap, and is so miserable by the early evening when he doesn't. grrrr Then he still fights going to sleep (I don't know how). Then last night, he went to sleep all right, but woke at midnight hungry!! lol Poor guy. But I got him some Yop and he went back to sleep for the night. Today he napped though, so he's still up ... we'll put him to bed soon, where I'm sure he'll play until 11 or 11:30 :-/ He loves to look out of his window (which his bed is right under) ... and he has completely wrecked his blinds - breaking a couple of the slats, and then BITING the rest!! yup - there's teeth marks on EVERY slat that he can reach. What a bozo ... but I didn't like those cheapo blinds anyways and look forward to getting some new ones.

Anyways, that's the ramble for today ... see - I did better, not such a long time between posts. Things are looking up :-D

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