Sunday, April 26, 2009

another weekend gone

I hate it when weekends come to an end!! Ah well, c'est la vie. I'm just looking out the window, watching the snow fall. Yup - LOTS of it on the way I guess. 5-10 cm tonight, 10- 15 tomorrow, 5-10 for Tuesday. so we'll be building snowmen again this week I'm thinking. ugh ... I'd REALLY like spring to arrive.

We've had a good week. Arlan is pretty much sleeping through the night, waking between 6:30 and 7 for the day. It's alot easier for me to get up at that time when he hasn't woken me up all night long, that's for sure!!

And Landon is potty trained!! Well, for peeing anyways, Poops will be awhile yet I'm thinking. But the pee is there! He even tells me he has to pee when wearing a diaper (or a pull-up) and will then take that diaper or pull-up off to pee in the toilet. And if he's playing by himself, he'll just go without having to announce it to us (although he'll usually announce it after the fact, even 20 minutes later!! lol) I'm so proud.

Now he's not wanting to wear diapers that's where the Pull-ups have come into play. They're easy for him to pull off (like gotchies) when he wakes and wants to pee in the toilet, but if he pees while sleeping that's ok too. Much better than Friday night when he woke up 3 times because he'd taken his diaper half off and had to pee (and didn't want to pee in the bed like he did earlier in the week when his diaper came half off). He even peed in the toilet at 2:30 am on Friday night /Saturday morning!!
So we put him in a pull-up last night, and it was dry this morning. He then took it off to pee in the toilet. So to me, that means he's officially potty trained! YAY

We had Julie here Friday night after her trip to Mexico. So now we're watching how we feel - hoping she didn't bring back swine flu :-/ Yikes - yuck. I sure hope not!! I really don't want the boys to get sick. But from what I've read, it's likely to hit me the hardest ... Not to be selfish or anything, but I sure don't want to be sick either!! We'll just have to wait and see.

That's the news from here. Until next time...

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