Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picture catch-up!

Well, I played picture catch-up today ... lots of new pics on here. I have been so slack!! If it hasn't been me doing shows and everything I'm trying to learn for Nutrimetics, it's been travels or flu-bugs. But I waded through the pics today, and got plenty on here :-)

Julie was here last night -- she's off to Mexico today (I'm VERY jealous ... oh just think, a day of lazing around on the beach, in the sun, reading a book ... just a DAY would be incredible, she's there for a WEEK!). She'll be back next Thursday for a day or two, which is wonderful.

We are pretty much just hanging out. I'm not sure if Arlan's getting more teeth or what, but he sure hasn't been sleeping well. His appetite has increased tremendously ... I can barely get the kid fed! I did up a bunch of veggies today (no purees, just chunky now, so he can feed himself) so hopefully I can keep up! He insists on feeding himself, so I'm constantly trying to find things that cook up soft enough for him to do so. We are getting through a bunch of new foods, so I hope that isn't the problem with the sleeping (gassy???). And he's been biting biting, so I'm sure another tooth is on it's way soon enough. If it's not one thing, it's another!! LOL Ah well, good thing he's so cute. And he sure naps well whenever we get him outside, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the summer......

Landon's being really wonderful ... defying every single request made of him. He just stands there shaking his head 'no', no matter what the request may be. But on the upside, he's been using the toilet consistently the past few days (I better not have just jinxed it!). Poops still in the diaper, but pees all in the toilet. He's even going on his own ... he was playing downstairs last night when I heard the toilet flush -> I went down to check on him and he's all matter-of-fact "Oh, I just peed." Keep your fingers crossed!!!!!! He has to be potty-trained to go to the daycamps I signed him up for this summer ... I know he'll love camp, so I sure hope he's trained by then, as I'd hate for him to miss camp.

Anyways, that's it for now. I should check on Arlan the snoozer ... really late afternoon snooze today. And of course, Landon wants to play blocks (he didn't have a nap this afternoon, something that's happening more and more frequently ... 2 or 3 times a week usually).

until next time....enjoy the pics ;-)

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