Thursday, April 02, 2009

Man the Days Fly by!!

So here it's been a week since I last posted --- again! aiaiai

Arlan continues to insist on feeding himself. Mealtimes are at least 30 minutes, with clean-up almost as long. I guess I'll have to start stripping him down to eat so that the laundry doesn't get too ridiculous! And I'm going to have to start making more meals for us that he can eat, as he really isn't interested in boring things like cereal anymore. Tonight for supper he had roasted butternut squash (not pureed), canned pears, Yum-Yum cookie, pureed broccoli and a meat puree. He wasn't interested in the purees, just the pears and squash!! So I think the purees are almost at an end. We'll be eating more meals with potatoes, as he loves potatoes. He also loves avocados, and has eaten a bit of bread too. Oh yeah, and hard-boiled eggs. All those things that Landon refused to eat!! lol
Arlan is also working at getting his 2 top teeth through. They are oh so close. I think tomorrow they should be there. His poor gum was almost to the point of bleeding today - he's working them so hard. So hopefully tomorrow they'll be through and he'll be happier.

Landon continues to be a stinker. Still missing a nap about once, sometimes twice, a week. His personality is really coming through - and I'm really enjoying him (most of the time). He is quite the character though, hard to believe he's three!!

That's about it from here. I'll get some pics up soon (I hope!). Until next time...

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