Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Final Doctor visit...

We went to the doctor today ... the last time Landon will see his doctor here in Winnipeg :-( He's doing well though ... 19 pounds, 10 ounces, 28 1/2" long. He got a flu shot too (which he wasn't particularly pleased about, but he doesn't seem to be reacting negatively now). Doctor says we must get him eating proteins, so we're going to try turkey and vegetables tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. If that doesn't work, we'll go for the egg yolks next :-/
Landon's eating lots of veggies and fruits though. We keep on trying new things, especially for fruits. But his favourite is pears, followed by sweet potatoes (esp sweet potatoes with apples!), and creamed corn. He tolerates his greens (beans and peas), as well as carrots, so we have quite a variety to feed him now. He's not so fond of peaches. We gave him his first Yum Yum cracker tonight too. He really enjoyed that, gobbled up the entire cracker like he'd been eating them for weeks! Mostly I think he liked being able to chew chew chew as I'm sure some more teeth have to be on the way.

Other than that, not much doing here. I have a cold and am feeling miserable. Landon is still a monkey in trying to go to sleep at night :-/ Last night he did get to sleep on his own (it took some tears), which is a good sign, so we're hoping this will continue (and get better at it too). I did hear him bouncing his bed ~6:30 am, for quite awhile, but he didn't squawk or anything *shrug* And he woke up on his own @9:30 am -> our earliest wake up in quite awhile! He likely would've gone back to sleep if we'd left him in there, but John scooped him right up. Unfortunately his naps this afternoon were shot as we were at the dr office for over 2 hours! But hey - it's unlikely he'd fall asleep like a dream tonight anyways, given our track record!!

Going out to my last Tremendon game tomorrow night :-( We're down to a whole week of lasts ... the last Tuesday in this house, the last game, the last doctor's appointment ... the list goes on. It makes me sad, and I'll actually be glad when this week of lasts is done, because it's hard to do.

So, until next time ... TK

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