Monday, November 06, 2006

Shake Shake Shake your head...

Monday, Monday. Actually, it's not too bad of a Monday. Landon has developed this 'thing' where he won't let us lay him down at night - he keeps waking up and crying when we put him down. So I end up sleeping with him in the recliner for an hour or two ... until he's so asleep he doesn't wake up when I put him down (or wakes up but is so sleepy he goes right back to sleep). Not a habit I'm happy to have developed (as I recognize I'm to blame, he's just reacting to what I've taught him ... *sigh*). It might be that he's cold when I put him down, as the house is definitely getting cooler at night now that before fall/winter ... so I might have to leave the thermostat a bit warmer for the next couple of nights to see if that helps. It might also be that he just prefers sleeping in my arms (who could blame the kid). And if that's the case, that's a habit we'll focus on once we get to Calgary ... I'm not going to worry about it before then.

Last night Landon learned to 'shake shake shake' his head. It was adorable. He was jolly-jumping, and I would say shake shake shake your head while shaking my head, and he would copy me. All the while he's jumping in the jumper, so I'm sure he was half-dizzy too. He was smiling ear to ear, and shake shake shaking his head. Toooo cuuuute!! He wouldn't repeat it today though...

And he's just a scootching around whenever and wherever he wants to. So far he's still only interested in the living room, which is nice. I'm sure his 'world' will expand shortly though. Today he scootched on over to me (I was laying on the floor, talking to John). He got to me, turned 90 degrees, and kept right on scootching. He's quite interested in the footstool, of course, as it 'glides' and he's likely to catch a finger and break it. We keep telling him 'no' and moving him away, which I think only intrigues him more. We can 'lock' the rocking chair, but not the footstool, so we may have to jerry-rig something, or move it for awhile. We'll see.

So that's the news from here for today. It's a quiet day, nice out but grey. And our last full Monday in our home :-( Will post again soon....take care. TK

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