Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fun Weekend!

We had such a wonderful weekend!! Friday night the Tremendons had a farewell party at Liz's house ... it was a great night. Landon was in a good mood all night, providing entertainment in his jolly jumper and just generally being too cute not to love.
Sat night Wes had us over for dinner and the band came over for awhile through the evening. It was so nice to see everyone again!!
So it was a fun weekend, but tinged with some sadness too. We've been thinking about moving for so long, and now that it's finally here it's hard to believe!! We've made such great friends here that we will miss terribly. There's been such great times with everyone. And I'll definitely NEVER find Tremendons anywhere else (which may be a good thing, come to think of it...!). So it is likely going to be a lot harder to pull out of Winnipeg than I ever really thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, I'll be damned glad to leave the mosquitos behind ... but I will miss everyone sooooooo much.

Enough of that, or I'll start crying.

Landon's been a sweetheart. He was so good at the parties, and for once we were glad that he stays up late so we could stay out late :-P WE'll have to start trying to move bedtime up again here this week, but I'm not going to worry about too much as I'm sure the entire move will be throwing us all out of whack next week! It's sure cute to watch him getting around better now. He sometimes scootches, sometimes just gets to his back and squirms to where he wants to go. Either way it's fun to watch!!

And I think he's still working on getting some teeth to come through. His second one came through on the bottom last week, but he's just a chewing on everything still. His thumb goes in there all day long, and of course any toys he gets his hands on. So maybe we'll get a couple more teeth while we're moving just to cap off all the hoopla :-/

That's the news tonight. Tomorrow we start our final week preparations ... getting utilities organized, etc. Should be a fun week ...
Until next time...TK

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