Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's so nice to spend a day at home...

Oh how nice it is to just be at home today. I did go out shopping for a while (bought some new clothes ... the first non-maternity, non-new-mom clothes!!), but that doesn't really count does it? It's sooo nice to have our house sold. Tomorrow I'll start worrying about the rest of the stuff we need to do in the next couple of weeks, but for today - aaaahhhhhh!

Landon seems pretty happy to be home too. He is really starting to move around while playing on the floor. He's scootching pretty much wherever he decides he wants to go. His world is pretty much limited to the living room floor still (thank goodness), but he's rolling from tummy to back to tummy to back. He's getting himself around to explore things like the diaper bag, the foot stool, the couch. Today he played with the diaper bag for about 30 minutes. I guess all of those straps on there are very interesting. We brought the baby gate upstairs today, as we can no longer put him on the living room floor without having something at the top of the stairs. He hasn't gotten to the stairs yet, but he could at any time.
I brought out the 12-month clothes for him today too. The 6-month clothes are now too small, and the 6 - 9 month stuff is just fitting him. I'm just hoping that the snow-suit makes it through the winter!

And his second tooth is fully through now, no doubt about it. But he's still chewing on everything, so maybe he'll be getting more teeth soon? Who knows. Last night he really had trouble getting to sleep, so maybe his mouth is bothering him. I thought maybe he had an upset tummy, but we're not sure. Kevin and Taya have sore throats today, so maybe Landon is getting a bit of a cold too? In any case, he was up past 2 am. At 1:30 am I finally just put him in his crib with the aquarium playing and went to bed. He squawked twice, John got up and turned the aquarium on once, the next time he squawked John put him to bed. He squawked for a few more minutes, but I think John and I were asleep before him! Little monkey!! Hopefully tonight won't be quite as bad.

Some new pics posted ... Landon has been such a wonderful baby through this whole house-selling thing. It's unbelievable how good he is :-) I know we'll pay the price eventually, but I'm just enjoying this for what it's worth!! LOL
Anyways, off to do more of nothing! Until next time...TK

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