Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow Snow and more Snow!!

Where oh where did all of this snow come from? I thought we left this behind, but I guess we brought it with us!!
Things are going well with us. Landon has been sleeping very well (knock on wood), having dropped that 3rd nap for the past 2 days. Let's hope that that continues, as we like his going to sleep at 10:30 much better :-) And he still sleeps until 9 am, which is good for me. Especially since I'll have to be the one to get him up from now on. Usually John gets up and gets Landon up, starts coffee, etc, and I roll out of bed about 9:30. But tomorrow that changes, with John going to work (ACK!). I think I'll survive getting up at 9 am, and I hope John survives getting up at 7 ... aiaiaiaiai. I'll miss John throughout the day, but I'm betting Landon will miss him even more!

I just wanted to post something quick. I'm off to shovel the driveway, again (that's the only real exercise I'm getting these days....). Landon is down for a nap, so it's a chance to get some fresh, albeit cold, air. Will post again soon. And don't fret, Wed is High-Speed connection day, so you'll get some pictures shortly after that!! :-D Until then...TK

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