Thursday, November 16, 2006

Move Update

I can hardly believe that tomorrow afternoon we will have possession of our new house!! Holy COW!! This week has flown by!

Monday we were packed up, which went well from my perspective. Tuesday the movers put everything into the truck, then John and I cleaned out our old home. That was very sad, it was so VERY hard to close that door one last time :-( I won't dwell on that though ...
We stayed at Uncle Neville and Mary's those 2 nights, and they were wonderful hosts. It was so nice to get a good visit in before we left. We took off early Wed am, and made it to Grandma and Grandpa's for mid-afternoon. We've had a nice visit the last day or so. And tomorrow morning we will head for Alberta. YeeHaw!! We won't have internet for awhile (have to get it ordered when we get there, so it depends on how long installation will be). So this post may have to suffice for awhile.

About Landon: he has a cold (started Tues) :-( Poor little stinker. He's still in a good mood, but he's just harder to put down at night (I'm getting used to that though ... heh heh). He went to sleep so well at Mary and Neville's on Monday night, but struggled a bit more on Tuesday night. Last night was really rough, as he couldn't breath through his nose at all. But we finally got him to sleep and we all slept until 10 am :-) I think John was quite happy for a sleep in, as he's been doing so much running around as we got ready to leave!
Aaand ... Landon popped his 3rd tooth through yesterday :-) It's on the top, so now he can really chomp down!! And I think the 4th tooth will be coming through shortly as well ... he has another white line on the top gum :-) Busy little teether.

So tomorrow's the big day. I don't know when we'll get online again, but I'll try to post an update ASAP. To all our friends and relates in Winnipeg - we miss you already!! Will post soon .. take care! Until then...TK

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