Friday, November 24, 2006

First full week in Calgary...

Well, we've spent our first week in Calgary, and we've still got boxes to unpack LOL But it's starting to feel a bit more like home now. We've done some driving around, lots of shopping (a Calgary must), and are settling in a bit more.
Landon's doing well. We think that he's ready to drop his 3rd nap, so we've been working through that in the evenings. He didn't have a 3rd nap at all tonight, and went to bed a bit earlier. Now we'll just see if he stays sleeping for the night, or wakes up thinking he's just finally had that 3rd nap. *sigh* Time will tell...
John starts his new job on Monday. We drove by the office today, and did the 'commute' home during rush hour. The trip will be no longer than the drive in Winnipeg, so that's good. The sheer number of cars on the road will be significantly higher though ...
So that's the news from here for today. Will try posting again soon. Oh yeah, and for everyone back in Winnipeg -- the weather here has been crappy!! LOL We got some snow (only 3 inches, and it's really light so it's easier to shovel), and it's COLD!! Monday it's supposed to get down to 30 below ... if this keeps up we may be heading back to Manitoba!! LOL
Take care everyone .... TK

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