Saturday, November 11, 2006

Getting ready....

Well, the slingshot has been pulled back pretty far, and it's about to be shot -> meaning we'll be flying off in all different directions at crazy speeds for the next few days at least. And I'm not really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to finally getting to Calgary and having our stuff arrive safe, sound and on-time, and starting the 'settling in' process. After the business of the past couple of weeks, aiaiai. It has come up so quickly, but I'm glad for that. It means that this process hasn't been dragged out more than necessary ;-)

So, tomorrow we get our stuff packed for the next week. I think we're ready. Clothes are washed, Landon's food is bought. We're staying with Mary and Neville Monday and Tuesday nights (it'll be nice to get a visit in there before we go too!). And Wed we hit the road.

It's been a long week ... of many good-byes. So many times the tears in my eyes saying good-bye to people who have become such good friends. I will miss you all so much!

Ok, before I cry too much....

Landon's been pretty good this week (knock on wood). He's been sleeping a bit better, and going to sleep better. I'm thinking that he must've been 'teething' again last week, which is what caused our troubles. John and I looked a couple of nights ago, and a tooth is just ready to pop through on the top. It hasn't come through yet, but it's getting pretty close! It may just make it through before we leave Winnipeg.

So, just a quick note. I'll try to post one last time tomorrow, and maybe from the farm. Don't know when the next chance will be after that ... we will order our internet service when we get to Calgary. Until next time..........................................

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