Thursday, September 06, 2007

"Hi" and other fun things...

Landon really likes to say 'hi' now. He will walk up to us and say 'hi' when he enters the room (or comes back downstairs from hiding his nightlight). Pretty cute. I love that he's saying more and more words.

It is funny how they show us what we do. Kind of like a coworker of mine describing his daughter on the potty one day...every time she strained she'd mutter 'Jesus!' under her breath. Ever since hearing that story, I've caught myself muttering 'Jesus' a time or two as well (not on the pot, mind you, just in every day life, like lifting a heavy box or something...ahem).
Landon has shown me that when I finish a task, like buttoning his coat, or putting his shoes on, or serving his royal highness a meal, I say 'there'. Like 'there, that's done' but without the 'that's done' part. Now, you guessed it, Landon will be playing with things, like sorting washcloths, or taking every single book out of a box, and he'll be saying 'there' the entire time. It comes out more like 'dere', but the meaning is pretty clear.

The best so far came about last night. John and I were watching a "Happy 2-4" anniversary celebration for the Hosers ... Bob and Doug MacKenzie. Landon walked around trying to imitate the 'coo-oo-coo-coo-co-oo-coo-coo' (if you don't know what I'm talking about here, you'll just have to find a tape of Bob and Doug to learn about it...). Pretty cute to watch our own little hoser walking around coo-oo-coo-cooing. Take off 'eh.

And I think we may have misnamed Landon after all. I'm thinking Stewie might've been more appropriate. As I was putting Landon down tonight, he sat up on my knee facing me. Then proceeding to try to smother me with his puppy blanket. He would put the blanket up over my face, then hug me really tightly with his face smashed into his blanket which was smashed into my face. If I by chance could actually see (given away by my making eye contact with him), he would lift the blanket higher and hold it even tighter. That, combined with the hypnotic coo-oo-coo-coo-coo-oo-coo-coo -ing, and I think Landon may just be working on plans for world domination. (If you don't catch the Stewie reference, please visit

So that's been our day or two with Landon. He's definitely keeping us busy. I'm hoping this cold hasn't settled in too much for him - his nose didn't run as much today, but he woke up VERY grumpy from his nap this afternoon (and now is still pissing around in bed, not asleep yet! *sigh*). So I drugged him up again tonight with Advil, hopefully we'll get another good night's sleep in. I don't want him to be grumpy for visiting with Great Aunty Laura tomorrow!!

Will post again soon...TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

LOL. Wait till he starts repeating swears. Taylor repeated more than one swear from me. OOPS. And today I was watching a show and this guy was rapping and mentioned the word cracker refer to a white person and Taylor got up and went and got some crackers. Makes you realize how much they are actually listening. The cracker thing cracked me up. The swearing scared me.