Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back from fun in Edmonton

We made it back from Edmonton - it was a FUN trip! We went up Thursday afternoon, got home yesterday afternoon. We spent Friday at the waterpark in West Edmonton Mall. Landon liked the kiddie pool the most there, but wasn't too fond of the waves in the wave pool. Mostly he hated the fog horn that sounded to indicate the waves were coming. He would scramble into my arms every time it went off. Poor kid. But by the end of the day he was ok with the waves, as long as all four limbs were clamped onto me as tightly as possible. LOL

We met up with Rhonda & Clay, and their kids Bailey (almost 7) and Drew (3 1/2). They played very well together - Landon loves so much to have kids to play with. When we got home yesterday, Landon was very excited to see his toys and his dad and be home again -- but he kept calling out "Drew! Where are you? Come play trains!!". It was pretty cute.

And it was great to see Rhonda and Clay again - it has been FAR too long!!! Considering this is the first time I met Drew...aiaiaiai! Of course, we don't get to visit that much running after 3 kids, but at least we got some visiting in.

Landon traveled well too. We slept together in the hotel room bed, which was adventurous for mom, that's for sure. He's such a squirmer! And he took forever to go to sleep - I think he was so excited to have me there (to beat on and drive his trucks on, etc) that he wouldn't go to sleep. And once asleep he was very restless which didn't help me sleep much. But overall I would say he handled the traveling very well - and has allayed my fears of traveling with Landon and staying in hotels ... it's not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. But only for a couple of nights - I need my sleep too! LOL

Today we woke up to a wintery wonderland. We went to the park and played in the nice white snow, and it's still flurrying a bit here. I don't know if that's supposed to continue or not - maybe we'll have snow tomorrow to play in too.

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