Saturday, March 22, 2008

Catch-up Post

Well, it's been awhile - we've had a couple of crazy weeks. As you can see, Landon's birthday party was a big success. He was very excited - so excited that he refused to nap that day. Then he was up in the middle of the night looking for his new loader tractor. At one point our bed consisted of dad, loader tractor, three other smaller tractors, Landon, and mommy!! Finally he made it back to sleep, much to everyone's relief.

Monday (Mar 10) Landon went to Grandma and Grandpa's -- riding in Grandpa's new 'noisy' truck. He was good for the whole trip (except for about 15 miles before Swift, but they stopped in Swift and all was well again). Landon had a BLAST at the farm -- riding in the grain truck, in the front end loader helping Grandpa move some wood around, and sleeping in a big boy bed! Yup - that's right. Grandma moved Landon into a bed for his week at the farm, and we haven't looked back since!

John and I had a great week out in Banff with Carla and Dave (pics to come soon). Then I went to the farm to get Landon -- spent a couple of days out there as well. We went to Kyle for Kyle's birthday on Sun (16), which was a lot of fun. Aunty Vonnie and Landon had a snooze together, and Landon played very nicely with some cars and trucks aunty had for him.
We came home on Tuesday, and again Landon traveled very well. When we pulled into Medicine Hat he was already asking for french fries...and I hadn't even turned off of the highway yet! LOL But he got some fries and we ran around the mall for awhile. When we went through Strathmore I stopped for ice cream cones too, and Landon devoured his with very little drippings ... attesting to his love of ice cream!! About half-way through his cone I hear from the back seat 'Thank you mommy!' :-)

Wed morning we went to swimming lessons. At first Landon wasn't too sure of the water, but he warmed up to it fairly quickly - especially when he got to jump from the side of the pool in to mom. He thought that was absolutely fantastic! LOL He squealed and smiled and jumped jumped jumped. After lessons he swam for another half an hour in the toddler pool, playing with the boats and just generally loving the water. I'm glad I got back into swim lessons with him - he loves the water so much and we just haven't swam much all winter.

We had a chance to visit with Kirby and James on Thursday morning before they flew back to Winnipeg. It was so nice to see them - it's been WAY too long!!

And now Landon is sick. Poor kid. He spiked a fever Wed evening, almost falling asleep on me after supper (VERY unusual for this energetic little rug rat). Thursday still miserable and feverish, Friday too. Today - not quite as bad, there's been no need to give him Motrin so far anyways. I'm not sure if it's an ear infection, or if it's just his teeth bothering him. He got his two bottom 2-year molars, and I think one of the top ones is working it's way through now too. Poor kid!! The good news is that these are the last ones for him, thank goodness!! Hopefully they'll all be through shortly and we can go back to peaceful sleep.

Sleep - yes Landon is in his big boy bed. We even took his crib down the other night. He has been sleeping in there pretty well. I fell asleep with him a few nights, but last night he went to sleep on his own, and for his nap today as well. So I think we're well on the way to him being comfortable in his own bed...with his very own Thomas quilt (very important). It's nicer for me too when putting him to bed. At least now I can lay beside him to read stories and sing songs (Froggie Went A-Courtin' is a nightly request).

So that's the update for now, I will post more when I get the Banff pics uploaded, etc. Happy Easter everyone!!

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