Sunday, March 23, 2008

He may be cute, but...

Landon has certainly been trying our nerves these days! It doesn't help that he's waking up all night long, so we aren't as rested nor as patient as we sometimes can be. But let me tell you -- aiaiai -- is this what all 2-year-olds are like? If so, I cannot believe that there exist any siblings with a 3-year age difference .... who would be thinking about having another when the first one is acting like this!!!!!?????

He hasn't been feeling well -- feverish since last Wed although that seems to be calming down now (we haven't had to give him Motrin today at all). And he's getting these frickin' 2-year molars which must be like somebody drilling in his head or something the way he's carrying on. The bottom 2 have come through already, so I'm thinking the top ones must be that much worse (???). Add to that moving to his bed from the crib (which he was so ready to give up, or so we thought). aiaiaiaiaiai He wakes every night at 2:30, sometimes just for a minute or two, sometimes for a couple of hours. Drives me nuts, and I know my patience had worn right down. I'll be so glad for a full night's sleep.
And of course he's more difficult than ever to even get to sleep at night - given that he can climb out of bed sooooo easily. Plus he fights going to sleep ... last night he was on his tummy, up on his hands, he couldn't even open his eyes anymore he was so close to sleeping, but he was still swaying there until finally he fell over and stayed asleep. Reminded me of a kitten before it's eyes open, with their big heads all wobbly on their legs.

So sleep hasn't been easy and it hasn't been plentiful. The only consolation is a great nap in the afternoon - for Landon and me usually. *sigh* Hopefully he's getting past this illness / teething pain thing, and will get more used to his bed and we will all get back to sleeping again - at least until the baby comes.

I'm off to bed now, for a couple of hours sleep before he drives me nuts in the middle of the night again. Wish us luck....

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