Tuesday, March 25, 2008

we DID IT!

Yes! We got a full night's sleep :-) Very very happy mommy, much better rested Landon.

I think it was a full combination of things; moving into a bed, having a mouth that hurts (so much that he won't let me brush his teeth), and getting cold at night. Last night he did cry out at about 1:20 am, but he went back to sleep without me going in there, so that's great news to me. He slept until about 9:30 this morning. Tomorrow we'll be up earlier to go to swim lessons, and so I'm hoping we keep wake-up time by about 9 moving forward.

Landon was a very good and patient boy today while I had to sit in a waiting room for an HOUR to complete my glucose - pregnancy test (to check for gestational diabetes). Poor kid - I had promised him walking through the mall, but I guess I had to sit there to get an accurate reading. There was no Treehouse (or any tv at all), nor any story books, so it was a pretty boring hour for Landon. But he managed to entertain himself (and most people waiting) and we got through it. I was very proud of him for being such a good boy - even though he ran into the reception desk and gave himself a goose-egg (I think goose-eggs will be a big part of Landon's life, at least for the next several years!).

And we have some travel plans for later this week - Landon and I are going to head up to Edmonton to meet up with Rhonda and her kids for a couple of nights. We will do the water park at West Ed Mall, and do whatever else meets our fancy. I'm looking forward to that as I haven't seen Rhonda for YEARS! aiaiaiaiai
I learned while looking at stuff in Edmonton that Body Worlds will be on exhibit there from June 13 - Oct 13. I would like to go to that again - we'll have to see how this baby #2 behaves and maybe try a trip up there towards the end of the show. I don't know if Landon would like it much - so maybe we'll have to see if we can convince Grandma to come too or something. We'll have to see, but I'd like to see it (this is Body Worlds 1, I saw Body World 2 in Toronto a couple of years ago), and I think John would find it interesting too.

Anyways, that's the story for today. Happier mommy, better sleeping Landon (let's hope that continues). I hope our trip doesn't jinx this sleeping thing - but I figure I'd better get this trip in now as I won't be going anywhere for awhile after #2 comes along (not a trip like this anyways). And since he's in a bed, he can just sleep with me now which will hopefully make it easier too. As long as puppy blanket is there that is ;-)

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