Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Swimming is FUN

Landon definitely loves the pool! Not the swimming lessons part, but the time afterwards when he can play! He was fussing all through swimming lessons - wanting to play with the boats, and in the bubbles, and do everything except what we were doing. But once we got through lessons, he was very happy to play in the toddler pool - for an hour!! LOL It makes me think that Friday at the waterpark in Edmonton should be a ton of fun.

When we got home, Landon had a sandwich and then almost fell asleep on the couch. So I carried him up to bed - he hasn't been so co-operative to go down for a nap for ages! LOL But it's been a good nap, so that makes me happy.

Tomorrow Landon and I are headed to Edmonton to visit with Rhonda. I'm very much looking forward to that - it's been far too long since we had a chance to visit. And I know Landon will love the waterpark on Friday.

I found the camera today (it was in the bag with our pool gear...), so here's a picture of Landon in the tractor with Grandpa at the farm last week. He was pretty concerned about the whole thing when he first went in there, but once they got going Landon enjoyed himself.

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