Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Birthday suits can be so much FUN!

Landon has been loving running around naked the past days. He even wanted me to take his shirt off in the store on Sunday - stinker!! And once we get the shirt off, then he wants pants off, then he wants diaper off....

Last night he spent a fair amount of time naked without accidents. Until he was sitting on me while I was sitting on our bed, of course. But we got that cleaned up without too much trouble.
The troublesome one was when he went to bed. At some time between going to bed (and crawling out of bed 4 times) and falling asleep Landon stripped down. Then he went to sleep. Then he peed. John found him sound asleep, curled up in a ball, cold and wet everywhere. So we had to get him dressed and change the bedding - poor Landon was so upset at being woke up. For a kid that takes to long to fall asleep, he sure is miserable if you wake him up again!!! Poor guy :-( I felt bad for him. But maybe, just maybe, he'll keep his clothes on when he goes to bed now!! LOL

He was very good kid this morning - I had running around to do and he was so well behaved. I don't even take the stroller anymore, he wants nothing to do with it. But he is pretty good when we go shopping. I let him spend about an hour in Toys R Us too, which helps. He checked out Thomas stuff, and ride-on toys (I was there to buy a bike helmet to go with his birthday tricycle this weekend), and all the Tonka trucks and loaders and tractors, and balls and cars. It was a pretty busy trip, but I managed to get away with only a bit more than I went in there for ;-) Then we stopped at Michaels to return some stuff and he was good there, and then we spent some time in the dollar store getting party supplies and he was really good in there too. I was so impressed. Makes life a lot easier when Landon is behaving.
Although I almost missed the naptime window this afternoon - he was out of the crib 3 times before finally sucumbing to snoozer-time. Thank goodness, I like the downtime.

That's the news for now...

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