Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Dr Appt went well today

Landon is getting soooo big... makes me amazed and somewhat sad that he's getting so big! lol He's 35.5" tall, and 30 pounds! So that's about 75th percentile for height, 85th for weight (which is somewhat surprising since he's such a wiry little bugger! There isn't much fat on Landon, that's for sure. But he is very strong, which is where the weight is coming from I guess *shrug*
So he's doing well. He still has a bit of an ear infection, so he has ear drops for the next 5 days. Hopefully he'll be fully recovered to go to Grandma's house! Poor kid. He still hasn't been acting like he's in pain - he does pull at his ear a bit, and he wants a soother all the time, and he's been chewing on his fingers alot -> all of which I thought meant he's teething (I hear horror stories about 2-year molars!). But maybe it's just been his ears.

And I'm doing well, and baby #2 is doing well. When the doc was listening to baby's heartrate, s/he didn't like it too much. They moved from one side of my belly to the other, and when the doctor followed with his heartbeat-hearing thingy, the baby kicked him and moved again! LOL Fiesty little bugger already!! aiaiaiai

Last night Landon was a very good boy for his babysitters. John and I went out for dinner with some friends, and they're kids looked after Landon for the evening. He didn't even cry or fuss when we left. But those poor sitters - they were pretty tired by the time we got back from dinner! LOL He even tires out the teen-agers that kid! I was very glad that he was so good, hopefully we'll get out a few more times before #2 comes along.

I'm getting geared up for Landon's birthday party on Saturday. We're hoping Nikki, Fabian and the girls are able to stop on their way through to Edmonton. Plus Aunty Trish will be here, as will Grandma and Grandpa. I know Landon will be very excited to see Grandma and Grandpa, that's for sure. I haven't even mentioned that they're coming yet - he gets so worked up!! LOL I'm picking up the Thomas cake pan tomorrow - then the fun will begin :-/ Ah well, I'm sure it will work out just fine.

So that's our news for today...

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