Saturday, March 22, 2008

Opening birthday presents

Landon got a new tricycle from mom & dad for his birthday. He had discovered it in the garage before his birthday, but finally we let him ride it. He even likes his 'hat' (helmet). Notice the gorgous Thomas quilt he's riding on -- that was a present from Grandma and Grandpa (homemade) and is now on his big boy bed :-)
Taylor is showing Landon how to play with the new Thomas magnet book that she brought him for a gift. He loves that book. Almost as much as he loves the Happy Birthday Thomas book that Taylor also brought for him (THANK you Taylor and Eastynn, and Nikki & Fabian!) ... we read that book several times a day, often over and over and over again...
Grandpa brought Landon a new loader tractor - and that was a definite hit. He had to help Grandpa get all that packaging off, and he's been inseparable since then. That night Landon was climbing out of his crib at 2 am crying for the tractor!! *sigh*
Opening the tractor
Opening more gifts on the beautiful Thomas quilt. I love this quilt!

1 comment:

niknac said...

Landon is most certainly welcome for his books. I'm glad he likes them. Taylor had a great time at the party she still talks about it.
Can't wait to see you guys again.
BTW I love the Thomas quilt too. Good job Grandma